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Configure the Text on the Data Catalogue Page - SuperWEB2

The Data Catalogue page is displayed when you first login to SuperWEB2. It shows a list of available databases and tables on the left, and some information about the databases and tables on the right:

The text shown on the right of this page is completely customisable. The source for the welcome text is stored in <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\resources\info\frontpage.html, which is a standard static HTML page that you can edit.

In addition to the welcome page, each individual database and table can have its own "home page", which will be displayed if you click once on the item in the list. The location for the custom home pages is based on the database/table ID.

For example:

If the Database ID is...The HTML File Location for this Database Must Be...
If the Database ID is...And the Table ID is...The HTML File Location for this Table Must Be...
bankGender by Location<tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\resources\info\bank\Gender by Location.html

To make it easier to configure this, if a database or table does not already have an HTML file in the correct location, then one will be created automatically the first time you click on that database or table. This file will initially be an empty HTML file.

The contents of the main welcome page will continue to display for that database/table as long as the custom HTML file continues to have no content. Once you edit it to add some content, SuperWEB2 will start displaying your custom content for that database/table instead.

You can also find out the ID of a database by logging into SuperADMIN and typing the command cat databases.

The ID of a system table installed in SuperWEB2 will be the same as the TXD filename (without the .txd extension).

Using CSS Styles

You can use CSS styles to provide custom formatting in your HTML. Use a <style> tag in the <head> of the HTML file to specify CSS styles used in the page.

Pages are loaded in an iframe, so if you want to link to an separate external CSS style sheet, you must use the fully qualified path to the stylesheet.

JavaScript errors detected

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