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Mandatory Fields - SuperCROSS

It is possible to configure SuperCROSS to require specific fields in a table. SuperCROSS will not allow the user to perform the cross tabulation unless the mandatory field(s) have been added to the table.

If a user attempts to cross tabulate a table that does not include the mandatory field(s), SuperCROSS displays the following warning message:

The user can choose one of the following options:

Add DefaultAdd the field to the table and perform the cross tabulation.
Recode and AddOpen the Define Recode window to recode the mandatory field.
CancelCancel the cross tabulation.

Configure Mandatory Fields

Mandatory fields are configured in the ssii.ini configuration file. In a default installation, this file is located in C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperCROSS\Catalogue

To specify mandatory fields, add the following section (each database you want to configure mandatory fields for must be listed on its own line):

<database_id>=<list of mandatory fields enclosed in angle brackets>

For example:

bank=<Gender><Marital Status>

This specifies that:

  • For the Retail Banking database (ID: bank) the Gender and Marital Status fields are required.
  • For the people database, the Occupation field is required.

How Do I Find The Database ID?

To specify mandatory fields, you need to know the database ID. There are a number of ways to find this out. One way is to use the cat command in SuperADMIN.

Another way to find the database ID is to:

  1. Create a table in SuperCROSS based on the database.
  2. Save the table in TXD format.
  3. Open the TXD in a text editor and check the header information, which will include the database ID. For example:

        DBID "bank"
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