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swc, swconf, swconfiguration

This command manages the configuration properties for SuperWEB1. These configuration properties do not apply to SuperWEB2.

swc, swconf and swconfiguration are the same command and can be used interchangeably.


The definitions are a set of configuration properties that you can apply to a database for use in SuperWEB1. You can create multiple definitions and apply them to different databases as necessary.

You can specify that one of the definitions is the default; it will be used for all databases unless another definition is specifically applied to that database.

Configuration Settings and Properties Files

There are two options for configuring the SuperWEB1 properties. You can use the swconfiguration command, as described here, or you can use the SuperWEB1 properties files. The administrator can switch between the two using the SuperWEB1 Configuration Editor. See the SuperWEB1 documentation for more information.


swc addswdefinition <id> <name> {true|false}

Create a new SuperWEB1 definition.

The definition ID.
The display name for the definition. This is optional; if you do not specify a name it will be the same as the ID.
  • true - this will become the default definition.
  • false (or omit this parameter) - this will not be the default.
swc addswd <id> <name> {true|false}
swc database <database_id>

Return the SuperWEB1 definition assigned to the specified database.

If the database does not have a definition assigned to it then this will return the default definition.

swc finddatabase <database_id>

Return the SuperWEB1 definition assigned to the specified database.

This command only returns a value if the database has been assigned a definition (it will not return the default definition).

swc finddb <database_id>
swc <id> swdatabases
Display all the databases assigned to the specified SuperWEB1 definition.
swc finddefault
Return the current default definition. Only one definition can be the default at any one time.
swc <id> default true
Make the specified definition the default. This will remove the default status from whichever definition was previously the default.
swc removeswdefinition <id>
Remove the specified definition.
swc removeswd <id>
swc swdbdefinitions
Display details of all the SuperWEB1 definitions.
swc <id>
Display full details of the specified definition.
swc <id> id <new_id>
Changes the definition's ID.
swc <id> displayname <display_name>
Set the definition's display name.
swc <id> remove
Delete the specified SuperWEB1 definition. You cannot delete the default definition.
swc <id> adddb <database_id>

Assign a database to a SuperWEB1 definition.

A database can only be assigned to one definition at a time; if the database was previously assigned to a different definition then this will overwrite the previous assignment.

swc <id> removedb <database_id>
Remove the database assignment from the SuperWEB1 definition. The database will use the default definition instead.

Chart View Properties

swc <id> chartview
Display the value of the chartview property.
swc <id> chartview visible {true|false}
Configure whether the Chart View tab is visible or not.

Colour View Properties

swc <id> colourview
Display the value of the colourview property.
swc <id> colourview visible {true|false}
Configure whether the Colour View tab is visible or not.

Mapping View Properties

swc <id> mappingview
Display the value of the mappingview property.
swc <id> mappingview visible {true|false}
Configure whether the Mapping View tab is visible or not.

Record View Properties

swc <id> recordview

Display the recordview properties.

The Record View feature displays the underlying records of a cell count to be viewed and exported. You can control whether or not the Record View feature is available, and the set of fields that are available to export.

swc <id> recordview visible {true|false}
Configure whether the Record View tab is visible or not.
swc <id> recordview fields
List the fields in the Record View field list. These fields will be available when the user exports the underlying records.
swc <id> recordview addfield <field>
Add a field to the Record View field list. This field will be visible by default.
swc <id> recordview removefield <field>
Remove the field from the Record View field list.
swc <id> recordview removeallfields
Remove all fields from the Record View field list.

Table View Properties

swc <id> tableview
Display the tableview properties for the specified SuperWEB1 definition.
swc <id> tableview cellsuppression enable {true|false}

Enable or disable cell suppression. When cell suppression is enabled, small cell values will be suppressed and replaced with a confidentiality string.

swc <id> tableview cellsuppression lessthan <value>

Set the "less than" property for cell suppression. The value must be an integer.

If cell suppression is enabled and a cell value is less than the specified number, it will be suppressed and replaced with the confidentiality string (e.g. "..C").

swc <id> tableview zerosuppress {true|false}
Enable or disable zeros suppression. If zero suppression is enabled then zero cell values will be suppressed and replaced with the confidentiality string.
swc <id> tableview decimalplaces number <value>
Set the number of decimal places used in Table View. The value must be a non negative integer.
swc <id> tableview decimalplaces alwaysvisible {true|false}
Configure whether or not decimal places are always visible.
swc <id> tableview defaulttable <table_id>
Set the default table property. The table ID must reference a TXD table from the catalogue.
swc <id> tableview enablecellselection {true|false}

Enable or disable the enablecellselection property.

This defines whether cell selection is enabled. For example, you need to select a cell when you want to do mapping or create a record table. This property must be set to true if Record View is visible.

swc <id> tableview mandatoryfields <value>

Set the mandatory fields property. This property specifies fields that are required to always be in the table.

The value must be an XML string that does not contain double quotes or new line characters. For example:

> swc BankingDefinition tableview mandatoryfields "<mandatoryfields> <field axis='row' fieldid='Gender'/></mandatoryfields>"
swc <id> tableview exportmandatoryfields <filename>

Export the mandatory fields to the specified destination file.

You can use the import/export function to enable you to edit the set of mandatory fields in a text editor.

swc <id> tableview exportmf <filename>
swc <id> tableview importmandatoryfields <filename>

Import the mandatory fields from the specified file.

You can use the import/export function to enable you to edit the set of mandatory fields in a text editor.

swc <id> tableview importmf <filename>
swc <id> tableview roundingrule <rule_name>

Set the rounding rule. The <rule_name> can be any of the following:

  • 0-3 Rounding

  • 1-4 Rounding

  • Random Rounding

  • Graduated Rounding

As there are spaces in the rule names, you must enclose the names in quotes. For example:

swc BankingDefinition tableview mandatoryfields "1-4 Rounding"
swc <id> tableview halfevenrounding {true|false}

Configure how the system will round values:

  • true - use half even rounding (statistical rounding)
  • false - use half-up rounding (mathematical rounding)
swc <id> tableview metafootnote dblevel {true|false}
Configure whether or not to display metadata footnotes at the database level. Metadata will only be displayed if the Show Footnotes check box is select in the Configuration Editor.
swc <id> tableview metafootnote fieldlevel {true|false}
Configure whether or not to display metadata footnotes at the field level.
swc <id> tableview metafootnote valuesetitemlevel {true|false}
Configure whether or not to display metadata footnotes at the value set item level.
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