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TXD Reference

A Textual Table Definition (TXD) file is a textual description of a SuperCROSS table; it is one of the SuperCROSS save options. Saved TXDs can be loaded into SuperWEB1, SuperWEB2 and SuperCROSS and retabulated, and can be used for batch production of large numbers of tables.

Typical uses for TXD files include:

  • Loading files created with an updated database that cannot be loaded via the standard SuperCROSS (.SCS) table load process due to a critical piece of metadata being too different.
  • Producing large quantities of predefined tables through an automated system in order to populate a warehouse system or for statistical publication (this is also possible using the Production Utility software, but the TXD format provides greater flexibility and more scope for automation).

This section describes the TXD file format for SuperSTAR 8.0.


The following notation is used throughout this section:

{ }
Optional element
( )*
0 or more occurances
( )+
1 or more occurances

The values used in the "load" column have the following meanings:

YesFeature is supported and used by this client.
IgnoredFeature is ignored on load and a default value is used when TXD is saved.
NoTXD containing this feature will not be loaded.
Pass-throughFeature is ignored by this client but the setting is preserved when the TXD is saved.

TXD File Format

Comments can appear anywhere in a TXD file. They can either be full line comments beginning with the hash character (#) or enclosed in { }

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