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BINS - Registry Table

Cleansing actions allow you to clean up some of your source data when building your SXV4 database. Cleansing actions only apply to fields that are supposed to be one of a set of possible values; they control what SuperCHANNEL should do when it encounters a value that does not match one of the current list of possible values.

Use the BINS registry table to specify that a column in your source database should use the "bin" cleansing action. With this action, if SuperCHANNEL encounters a value that does not match one of the possible options, it will automatically convert ("bin") that value to a value that you have specified.

 It is also possible to specify cleansing actions in the CLEANSING_RULES registry table. If a column appears in both tables, then whatever is set in the BINS table takes precedence over the CLEANSING_RULES table.

Table Definition

Column NameData TypeSizePrimary KeySpecifies...





The name of the table that the bin cleansing action applies to.





The column name (in the specified table) that the bin cleansing action applies to. This column must be a foreign key from a fact table to a classification or fact table that defines the possible values. If this is not the case the rule will be ignored.





The value to convert to, if the current value does not match any of the possible values. You can only have one "bin" value for any given column.


For example, if the BINS registry table contains the following entries:


  • Any value in the Cust_Mail_Ind column in the F_Customer table that does not match one of its possible values will automatically be converted to N/A
  • Any value in the Gender column in the F_Customer table that does not match one of its possible values will automatically be converted to U
  • Any value in the Marital_Status column in the F_Customer table that does not match one of its possible values will automatically be converted to U
  • Any value in the Occupation column in the F_Customer table that does not match one of its possible values will automatically be converted to N
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