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SuperCHANNEL is the database import tool you will use for converting your data from the source database to the star-schema, column-oriented format used by SuperSTAR to provide its cross-tabulation speed (sxv4).

SuperCHANNEL can import source data from systems such as SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and other DBMS (Database Management System) applications through ODBC and JDBC drivers, and provides the interface where you design and build your SuperSTAR databases.

SuperCHANNEL can also connect to data sources in text, Excel, and other formats supported by ODBC or JDBC.

New to SuperCHANNEL?

If you are using SuperCHANNEL for the first time, we recommend that you start by following the SuperCHANNEL tutorial . This will take you through the end-to-end process of converting data into SXV4, introducing some of the key concepts.


Where To Next?

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