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Configure a Default Table for your Datasets - SuperWEB2

You can configure default tables for each of your datasets. The default table can either be a saved system table or any table that has been saved to the Saved Tables section within SuperWEB2.

If you do this, then the table will open automatically whenever a user:

  • Opens the dataset by double-clicking its name in the dataset catalogue; or
  • Selects the New Table option.
If you configure the default table to be one from Saved Tables then you must ensure that you have configured the appropriate folder permissions so that all users can access the saved table.

Configure the Default to be a Saved System Table

  1. Create the table in SuperCROSS and add it to SuperWEB2 as a saved system table, by saving the TXD file to the appropriate directory on the SuperWEB2 server (see Add Datasets and Tables - SuperWEB2 for detailed instructions on this step).
  2. In SuperADMIN, run the following command:

    cfg db <dataset_id> superweb2.defaultTable set <table_name>

    Where <dataset_id> is the ID of the dataset you want to set the default for, and <table_name> is name of the TXD file (without the .txd extension). The name is case sensitive.

    For example, to set the default table for Retail Banking (ID: bank) to be the saved table Account Profit by Gender.txd, use the following command:

    cfg db bank superweb2.defaultTable set "Account Profit by Gender"

    Users will see the new default table the next time they select Retail Banking. There is no need to restart SuperWEB2 to apply the change.

Change the Default Table

To update the default table, simply run the command again, specifying the new table name. This will replace the existing configured default (a dataset can only have one default table configured at any one time).

Remove the Default Table

To remove the default table, use the following command:

cfg db <dataset_id> superweb2.defaultTable remove

Users will still be able to access the saved table by selecting it from the list on the catalogue page, but it will no longer open by default when they select the dataset.

For example:

cfg db bank superweb2.defaultTable remove

See the documentation on the SuperADMIN cfg command for more information.

Configure the Default Table to be from the User Data Repository

  1. Create your default table in SuperWEB2 and use the Save Table option to save it. Make sure you select your shared folder when saving the table.
  2. In SuperADMIN, run the following commands:

    cfg db <dataset_id> superweb2.udrDefaultTable.tableName set <table_name>
    cfg db <dataset_id> superweb2.udrDefaultTable.folderId set <folder_id>

    Where <dataset_id> is the ID of the dataset you want to set the default for, <table_name> is name of the saved table (case sensitive), and <folder_id> is the ID of the SuperADMIN folder where this table is saved.

    For example, to set the default table for Retail Banking (ID: bank) to be the saved table Account Profit by Gender that has been saved in the folder with ID system, use the following commands:

    cfg db bank superweb2.udrDefaultTable.tableName set "Account Profit by Gender"
    cfg db bank superweb2.udrDefaultTable.folderId set "system"

    Users will see the new default table the next time they select Retail Banking. There is no need to restart SuperWEB2 to apply the change.

Change the Default Table

To update the default table, simply run the commands again, specifying the new table name (and folder if applicable). This will replace the existing configured default (a dataset can only have one default table configured at any one time).

Remove the Default Table

To remove the default table, use the following command:

cfg db <dataset_id> superweb2.udrDefaultTable remove

Users will still be able to access the saved table by selecting it from the list on the catalogue page, or in Saved Tables, but it will no longer open by default when they select the dataset.

For example:

cfg db bank superweb2.udrDefaultTable remove

What Happens if the Table does Not Exist?

If there is no table in the specified folder that matches the specified tableName (or the current user does not have at least read permission over the folder), then SuperWEB2 will display a warning message when opening the dataset:

To resolve this issue, make sure you have created the table with this exact name (the setting is case sensitive) and check the user has permission to read the specified SuperADMIN folder.

What Happens if there are Multiple Tables with the Same Name?

SuperWEB2 does not prevent you from creating multiple tables that have the same name, but you should take care to ensure that there is only one table in the specified folder that has the same name as the udrDefaultTable.tableName setting.

If there are multiple tables in the specified folder with the same name as the default, SuperWEB2 will load one of them, and display a warning message:

What Happens if I Configure Both Types of Default Table?

If you configure the udrDefaultTable setting, then this takes precedence over any system table specified in the defaultTable setting. In this case the defaultTable setting will be ignored and will not be loaded.

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