Change History
This page describes major changes to the SuperSTAR suite from version 9.0 onwards. This is intended to assist customers who are upgrading to the latest version of the SuperSTAR suite.
Version 9.9.1
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
Open Data API | Rate Limiting | It is now possible to configure different rate limits for the As a result of this change, the
In addition, there are two new endpoints for checking the individual rate limits: | |
SuperWEB2 | User Interface | New navigation options have been added to Table View, Graph View and Map View:
![]() If you do not wish to show table names, then you can prevent this by setting the |
Version 9.9
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
Data Control API | Functions | The following new methods have been added to enable Data Control plugins to obtain additional weighting information: | |
SuperADMIN | Display Options | For performance reasons, the Existing settings will be migrated automatically when SuperADMIN is upgraded, and no user action is required. The command used to set and check these settings remains the same, although as part of this change, display options settings can now be set for record counts (previously they could only be set for measures). | |
SuperADMIN | Max Attempts and Account Locking | As a result of changes to the user catalogue (see below), there has been a minor change to the behaviour of the account locking feature. Previously, changing the global settings for In addition, it is now possible to configure individual groups or users whose accounts cannot be locked. | |
SuperADMIN | Port Usage | As part of the implementation of user registration, SuperWEB2 communicates with SuperADMIN via a new REST API. If you want to deploy the user registration system then you must ensure that port 9001 is accessible. | |
SuperADMIN | User Catalogue and Data Storage | For performance reasons, SuperADMIN now uses a relational database to store all user data (previously, it used an XML file). When you upgrade to version 9.9 SuperADMIN will automatically convert the existing user data to an H2 database. It is possible to switch to another RDBMS, although this change should only be made before going into production. Please contact STR for advice if you wish to change the RDBMS for a production system. SuperADMIN also uses H2 to store the configuration server data and data related to user registrations. Switching to another RDBMS will move all of this data in addition to the user data. | |
SuperSERVER | Audit Logging | Some additional details are now recorded in the audit logs:
| |
SuperSERVER | Output Scaling and Precision | The outputscaling data control module now supports:
As a result of this change, an additional column ( | |
SuperWEB2 | Direct URLs | The direct URLs feature has been extended. Previously if you wanted to link directly to a dataset you could construct a link that opens that dataset in Table View ( In addition, a new URL parameter ( | |
SuperWEB2 | Graph View | It is now possible to configure specific colours for specific fields to be used in Graph View. | |
SuperWEB2 | Guest Access | A new configuration setting ( In addition, the username and password for guest access are now configured in the file, rather than web.xml. | |
SuperWEB2 | Large Table Mode | The thresholds for large table mode are now configured in Previously these settings were configured in CubeCatalog.xml. In addition, the default total cell threshold for large table mode has been increased from 10,000 to 100,000. | |
SuperWEB2 | Mandatory Fields | Mandatory fields are now indicated in the field list by a small red * image that appears on top of the field icon and the field item icon. A new configuration option has been added that allows you to specify whether mandatory fields will be automatically tabulated when opening a dataset. | |
SuperWEB2 | Metadata | The default metadata template supplied with SuperWEB2 has been renamed from sa-metadata.xhtml to metadata.xhtml. If you wish to continue using the default template you will need to update the settings in your file to match the new location (please also note that, as documented above, the path to this file changed from /webapi/help/ to /webapi/jsf/help/ in version 9.8). | |
SuperWEB2 | Preferences | The Preferences page has been renamed to Account and now has additional options for users to change their password and delete their account. New settings have been added to the file that allow you to turn off these settings. | |
SuperWEB2 | Saved Tables and Datasets | SuperWEB2 now displays a tool tip when you hover the mouse pointer over a saved table on the dataset catalogue page. This can be particularly useful if you have tables with very long names, as it is no longer necessary to use the horizontal scrollbar to see the full table name. | |
SuperWEB2 | Table Download as Open Data API Query | A new download format has been added to the Download Table drop-down menu in Table View: you can now download the table as an Open Data API query. Selecting this option will download a text file containing JSON that you can pass in to the API in a table query. This feature is designed to make it easier to set up your API queries, as you can now use the SuperWEB2 drag and drop interface to design your queries and then easily reuse these in the application you are building with the API. Some table features are not supported by this download option. Learn more. | |
SuperWEB2 | User Registration | SuperWEB2 now has an automated user registration system, designed to make it easy to allow users to sign up for an account on your SuperWEB2 deployment, set their own password, and change or reset their password. As part of this change, users can now change their password and delete their account from the Account page (accessible from the top-right menu). |
Version 9.8
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperCROSS | Excel Downloads | Since version 9.0 SuperCROSS has been using a particular formatting function from a third-party library when generating Excel files. This function adjusts the row height in the downloaded Excel file to fit the text in the row. This function has been found to cause performance issues when downloading very large tables. SuperCROSS now runs the function only once per row when downloading very large tables, so in some cases it may be necessary to manually adjust the row height in the downloaded Excel file in order to see the full heading text. A new setting has been added to the super.ini configuration file: This setting controls the threshold for the new behaviour. Its value is the table cell count in millions. For example, when this is set to 90:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Derivations | SuperWEB2 now allows users to create derivations within tables. Derivations are automatically enabled by default, but you can disable them globally by changing the As part of this change, a new property ( | |
SuperWEB2 | Duty of Care | An issue has been resolved with the Duty of Care rule that prevented this feature from operating. The bug was originally introduced in version 9.0. In addition, the Duty of Care feature is now disabled by default. | |
SuperWEB2 | Excel Downloads | It is now possible to control the formatting of annotations in Excel downloads. This is particularly useful if you have long annotations as you can now control how the text wraps beneath the table. In addition, the default Excel download templates have been updated to match the current default SuperWEB2 branding. | |
SuperWEB2 | Fields | A new setting ( In previous releases, the list of fields was always fully collapsed when opening the dataset (so only the names of the top level folders would be visible initially). Now you can choose how many levels to expand. By default, all folders will now be expanded when you open a dataset. | |
SuperWEB2 | Graph View | The configuration setting for specifying the PDF template for downloads from Graph View has changed. Previously this used a single setting ( This setting has been replaced by two individual settings in the file: | |
SuperWEB2 | Graph View | It is now possible to configure the abbreviations used to shorten large numbers in the axes in Graph View. | |
SuperWEB2 | Info Pages | The location of the HTML info pages (which are displayed on the right of the database catalogue screen) has changed. Previously these pages were located in <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\WEB-INF\resources\info\ Now, they are located in <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi\info\ | |
SuperWEB2 | Metadata | The files supplied for configuring metadata have been renamed from not-configured.jsp and sa-metadata.jsp to not-configured.xhtml and sa-metadata.xhtml. In addition, the default path to these files has changed from /webapi/help/ to /webapi/jsf/help/. You will need to update the settings in your file to match the new location. | |
SuperWEB2 | Tour | A new interactive tour has been added to guide new users through the basic operations of SuperWEB2. | |
SuperWEB2 | User Interface | A number of usability changes have been made to the SuperWEB2 user interface:
Version 9.7
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperCROSS | Grand Total | Grand totals are now calculated using recode totals by default. This means that they now correctly handle non additive tables without double counting. Grand totals can also now be added to tables that have multiple summation options and return correct results for the total Relative Standard Error (RSE) as well as the RSE of percentages based on the grand total. If you wish to keep the behaviour from previous releases, set If you load a saved table, it will use the behaviour it was created with, until the grand total is switched off. As a result of this change, when using the new functionality if you select any of the total options from the Calculations menu your table results will be reset and you will need to run the cross tabulation again. If you have weighted databases and you are using the SuperSERVER weighting option, then you must use the new grand total behaviour. | |
SuperCROSS | Quantiles | For weighted databases, it is now possible to display the Relative Standard Error of the range in the labels of quantile user defined fields. You can also choose to show the minimum and maximum RSE values in each label. | |
SuperCROSS | Quantiles (Precision) | It is now possible to configure the precision used when displaying quantile range boundaries and RSE values in the labels of quantile user defined fields. The precision of these values is controlled by two new settings that you can add to the | |
SuperCROSS | Relative Standard Error | When using weighted databases:
| |
SuperCROSS | Summation Options | The statistics.xml file defines the statistical formulas used by SuperCROSS for its summation options.
As a result of changes to the statistics.xml file that is provided with SuperCROSS, the default set of functions available for some summation options has changed. In previous releases, the Define Recode window displayed a number of functions for counts, such as Mean and Standard Deviation, even though these are not meaningful calculations for a record count (for example, the mean of a record count will always be 1). Sum is now the only function available by default for counts. If you wish to revert to the previous behaviour, you can modify the statistics.xml file. | |
SuperCROSS | Weighting | It is now possible to display both weighted and unweighted values in the same table when using SuperSERVER weightings in SuperCROSS. In previous versions, changing between a weighted and unweighted option in the Weight By drop-down list in the Define Recode window would change all of the functions in the Recode Values list to be either weighted or unweighted. Now, you can add a combination of weighted and unweighted functions to the Recode Values list. | |
SuperSERVER | Perturbation (Quantiles) | Quantile perturbation requires three configuration files. In previous releases these had to be located in the same directory as the SXV4 file. New properties have been added to the data control modules so that it is now possible to configure the location of these files. | |
SuperSERVER | Relative Standard Error | Prior to version 9.7, it was necessary to configure a data control plugin to calculate RSE values. From 9.7 onwards this now runs automatically for all SuperSERVER weighted databases, and will use the jackknife formula for calculating the RSE. You can still configure the plugin if you wish to change some of its other settings, such as the formula, thresholds and unreliable table message, although if you just want to change the formula used then you can do this by editing a setting in the weightings file (if both are configured then the plugin settings take precedence). As a result of this change, RSE values are now available for SuperSERVER weighted databases in SuperCROSS when confidentiality has been turned off using the padlock button. | |
SuperSERVER | Weighting | New configuration options have been added to enable consistent weighting configuration across SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2. |
Version 9.6
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
Data Control | Confidentiality Rule | Additional configuration options have been added to the confidentiality rule data control module:
Version 9.5
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
Open Data API | New Product | The Open Data API is now available. This is an additional component that provides programmatic access to SuperSTAR data using a JSON REST API. | |
SuperWEB2 | | The following settings have been added to the file:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Metadata | A new file, metadataRedirect.html, is now supplied with SuperWEB2 to make it easier to configure static metadata. This file contains the code for redirecting to a static HTML page based on the dataset or field that the clicked metadata link relates to. | |
SuperWEB2 | User Interface | A number of usability changes have been made to the SuperWEB2 user interface. Some on screen elements have moved or been renamed. For example:
If you have added your own UI languages, then some translation changes may be required. |
Version 9.3.2
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperSERVER | Perturbation | New functionality has been added for propagating zero across fact tables when using perturbation. |
Version 9.3.0
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperADMIN | SuperADMIN now runs an embedded H2 server, listening on port 9092 but only on localhost. In a standard configuration, only the SuperADMIN server itself needs to access this port. This database is now used to store the data for the configuration server. In a new installation it will also be used to hold Field Level Security settings. | ||
SuperADMIN | Field Level Security | It is now much easier to allow or deny access to all values in a value set. Previously, each value had to be configured individually. | |
SuperADMIN / SuperWEB2 | Saved Tables | This release adds the ability to load TXDs into the User Data Repository through SuperADMIN. This means you can save a TXD from SuperCROSS and then load it into the SuperADMIN catalogue so that SuperWEB2 users can access that table (in previous releases this required you to save the TXD file to a location within SuperWEB2 itself). Once you have loaded a TXD into the catalogue, you can use the | |
SuperADMIN | Server Command | The server command now lists SuperWEB2 instances that are registered with SuperADMIN. SuperWEB2 will automatically register itself when it starts up. The list of registered SuperWEB2 instances are used to determine which User Data Repository to apply table commands to. | |
SuperCHANNEL | Perturbation | From 9.3 onwards, SuperCHANNEL can automatically generate R Keys for perturbation. | |
SuperCHANNEL | TDD Driver Encoding | A new option has been added to the config.txt configuration file allowing you to set the encoding to use when channelling with the TDD driver. You may need to change this setting if you are channelling data that contains characters that are not supported by the current system codepage. | |
SuperCROSS | Logging | Additional logging is now available when SuperCROSS is running in server mode. SuperCROSS will now log the following events to the Super.logs.txt file (located in C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperCROSS\logs):
| |
SuperCROSS | Save Table Formats | A new configuration option has been added to SuperModule.ini for configuring the order that the different download formats appear when saving tables. | |
SuperSERVER | Default Settings | Some default settings have been changed for performance reasons: the default number of threads per cross tabulation is now 4 and the default number of processors is now 2. | |
SuperSERVER | Logging | Some changes have been made to audit logging:
Some changes have been made to SuperSERVER and Metadata Server logging:
| |
SuperWEB2 | | The following settings have been added to the file:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Default Table | This release adds the ability to configure any table in the user data repository to be a default table. Previously, default tables could only be saved system tables (TXDs created in SuperCROSS and saved in the txd directory within SuperWEB2). | |
SuperWEB2 | Information Pages | The information pages that are displayed on the dataset catalogue screen in SuperWEB2 now support more options:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Mapping | Some settings in the file have changed. This file that is used to configure the base map images (the map imagery itself, such as the street map images or the satellite view).
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SuperWEB2 | Mapping | The plugin used to display Map View in SuperWEB2 has changed to ESRI leaflet. As a result of this change, the buttons that allow you to edit the table from within Map View have changed: the Freehand button is now Polygon, and works in a slightly different way. | |
SuperWEB2 | Metadata | A number of new features have been added to metadata:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Precision | In some cases, precision settings in TXDs now override the SuperWEB2 precision settings. In previous releases, the summation options precision setting (defined using the | |
SuperWEB2 | Select All At Level Drop-Down | It is now possible to display the label of the first item in a valueset in the Select all at level drop-down. This new setting makes SuperWEB2 more closely match the behaviour of SuperCROSS, which displays the first item in a valueset when displaying hierarchies in the Define Recode window. | |
SuperWEB2 | Sorting | A new configuration option has been added that allows you to prevent users from sorting a field alphabetically in SuperWEB2. By default, when a field has been added to the table rows, SuperWEB2 allows users to sort it into ascending and descending alphabetical order. In some cases, this will not make sense (for example, a date field where it does not make sense to sort the months alphabetically). |
Version 9.2.7
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperWEB2 | Mapping | A new property has been added to the mapping configuration: This property sets the host name of the Tomcat instance that mapping will use when it needs to make a request to another of the REST endpoints. |
Version 9.2.6
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperWEB2 | | The following settings have been added to the file:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Mapping | It is now possible to change the directory that is used to store mapping cache files. | |
SuperWEB2 | Precision | It is now possible to disable number formatting in downloads, which can improve the performance when downloading large tables. | |
SuperWEB2 | Table Downloads | SuperWEB2 can now be configured to add a warning/disclaimer when tables are printed. | |
SuperWEB2 | Terms and Conditions | SuperWEB2 can now display a terms and conditions screen during log in. |
Version 9.2.2
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperWEB2 | | The following setting has been added to the file:
Version 9.2.1
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperWEB2 | | The following settings have been added to the file:
Version 9.2
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperCROSS | Fact Table Relationships | It is now possible to see a visualisation of the relationship between fact tables in the SXV4. This is particularly useful if you have a complex dataset that has lots of interconnected fact tables. | |
SuperWEB2 | | The following setting has been added to the file:
| |
SuperWEB2 | Graph View | The cell limit for accessing graph view can now be modified. Previously, this limit was fixed at 1,000 visible table cells. | |
SuperWEB2 | Metadata | SuperWEB2 now uses the metadata server when connecting to a metadata database. Prior to this release, SuperWEB2 connected to the external database directly. |
Version 9.1
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
SuperCHANNEL | Totals | The Totals Appropriate setting has been added to SuperCHANNEL. This allows you to disallow totals for specific classification tables. It currently applies to SuperWEB2 only. | |
SuperWEB2 | User Defined Fields | This release adds the ability to import user defined fields from SuperCROSS into SuperWEB2. |
Version 9.0
Product | Area | Description | More Information |
All | Unicode | SuperSTAR now features full Unicode support. In some cases you may need to update existing SXV4s, TXDs and macros to ensure they work with version 9.0 and above, although in the vast majority of cases this change will be completely transparent and no action will be required. | |
Data Control | Record Count and Perturbation | A new Record Count data control module has been added. In addition, the perturbation module now has the ability to perturb other results. | |
Data Control API | Functions | A new function (PreJob ) has been added to the Data Control API to allow for processing that needs to run before the cross tabulation. | |
Java | Java 7 or later is now required. Java is included with the SuperSTAR installation. | ||
SuperADMIN / SuperWEB2 | Configuration Server | This release introduces the configuration server. This is a JSON configuration system that stores a number of internal settings. Most of these settings are used by SuperWEB2, and were previously configured in XML and .properties files within SuperWEB2 itself. These settings can now be set and checked using the If you are upgrading from an earlier release you will need to check the list of settings that have moved to the configuration server and manually reapply any that are required for your deployment. The configuration server communicates on port 9000, so you will need to ensure your network firewalls are properly configured to allow this communication: this port must be accessible by SuperWEB2 and any machines running the SuperADMIN console. We recommend you do not make port 9000 publicly accessible, even if your SuperWEB2 server is publicly accessible. | |
SuperCHANNEL | Batch Mode | SuperCHANNEL batch mode now supports the skip and stop cleansing rules, as well as null columns. | |
SuperCROSS | ColourMatrix | The ColourVIEW feature has been replaced with ColourMatrix. | |
SuperSERVER | Update Dataset | SuperSERVER now supports live updates of compatible SXV4s. As long as there have been no changes to the SXV4 schema, you can live swap to a new SXV4 with no downtime. | |
SuperWEB2 | Bulk Selection | A new feature has been added for cases where a field has a large number of valueset items. SuperWEB2 now displays a bulk selection option allowing users to search for and select the items they want. | |
SuperWEB2 | Catalogue | It is now possible to choose the sort order for the dataset catalogue.e | |
SuperWEB2 | Configuration | A new SuperWEB2 configuration file,, has been added, and many settings have moved to this file. When upgrading from an earlier release you will need to manually reapply any required settings by editing the new file. | |
SuperWEB2 | Default Table | It is now possible to configure a default table for each of your datasets. | |
SuperWEB2 | Drag and Drop | Users can now build tables quickly by dragging and dropping fields. | |
SuperWEB2 | Graph View | Graph view has been completely updated with new look interactive graphs. | |
SuperWEB2 | Hierarchies | It is now possible to navigate up and down the levels of a hierarchical field from with the table. In addition, the default settings have been changed so that it is now possible to mix items from different levels of a hierarchy within a table (for example adding both Victoria and Melbourne from an Area hierarchy to the table at the same time). In previous releases, this behaviour was disabled by default. You can revert to the previous behaviour by editing the rules in the RulesEngine.xml configuration file. | |
SuperWEB2 | Mandatory Fields | Mandatory fields are now defined on a per-dataset basis only. Previously it was possible to define global mandatory fields. | |
SuperWEB2 | Mapping | SuperWEB2 mapping configuration has been moved from an XML file to the configuration server. | |
SuperWEB2 | Multilingual Support | SuperWEB2 now supports multilingual datasets. In addition, users can select their preferred user interface language from the SuperWEB2 menu. Prior to this release, SuperWEB2 automatically set the user interface language based on the user's browser settings. | |
SuperWEB2 | Ranges and Quantiles | The range and quantile options now support translations based on the current dataset language. | |
SuperWEB2 | Zero Suppression | SuperWEB2 now supports zero suppression. |