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Contains the paths to recode files to be loaded automatically when connecting to a database.


This file does not exist by default. You can either create it yourself, or it will be created automatically if you edit the recode settings in SuperCROSS.

Changing the Settings in SuperCROSS

The easiest way to specify a directory of recodes to be loaded automatically is to change the setting in SuperCROSS:

  1. Create and save your recode files somewhere on your computer.
  2. In SuperCROSS, make sure you are connected to the database the recodes apply to.
  3. Select Edit > Options, then select the Configuration tab and choose Recode from the Settings.
  4. Select the Load General Recode setting.
  5. Click Add and select the directory where the recode files are saved. SuperCROSS will automatically load all the recode files in this directory when you connect to this database.

    You can add multiple directories, and SuperCROSS will load all the recode files in all of these directories. Separate each directory path with a semi colon.

  6. Click OK.

Repeat this for any other databases where you want to automatically load recodes. Simply make sure you are connected to that database before you try to set or change its automatic recode settings in SuperCROSS.

You can also change the Load User Recode setting. Recodes in this directory will be loaded in addition to the general recodes.

Changing the Settings by Editing recodes.ini

As an alternative to defining the recodes in SuperCROSS, you can edit recodes.ini directly in a text editor. Make sure SuperCROSS is not running when you edit this file.

The file format is similar to the following:


The general recodes are defined in the [Recodes] section and the user recodes are defined in the [<user>] section (where <user> is your user ID).

Use the SXV4 database IDs (in this example bank and people) to identify which database each recode directory applies to. In this example:

  • Recodes for the bank database will be loaded from three directories (E:\Databases\BankCustomersRecodes, E:\Databases\BankAccountRecodes, and E:\Databases\UserRecodes).
  • Recodes for the people database will be loaded from E:\Databases\PeopleRecodes.

How Do I Find the Database ID?

  • If you are loading databases from SuperSERVER, then the database ID will have been set in SuperADMIN. You can use the cat command in the SuperADMIN console to find a list of databases and their IDs.
  • If you are loading databases locally (either by opening the SXV4 file directly from the File > Open menu option, or by accessing them from Catalogue - Select Database or Table window) then the ID is usually the filename of the SXV4 file without the .sxv4 extension (for example, if you open the file RetailBanking.sxv4 then the ID would be RetailBanking). The only exception to this is if you specifically set a different ID (by filling in the Unique ID field) when you added the SXV4 to the local catalogue.

If you do not have access to SuperADMIN, or cannot remember whether you set an ID for a local SXV4, then one way to find the ID for any database is to create a table and save it in TXD format. Open this file in a text editor and you will see the ID near the top of the file, on a line that begins with DBID.

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