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Metadata Server

Metadata Server is an optional component of SuperSERVER that you can use to add additional information to your databases. There are two main uses for Metadata Server:

Multilingual Tables

You can use Metadata Server to create multilingual tables. Users of SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2 can then choose to view database tables in their preferred language:


Table in English:

User Switches Language:

Table in French:


Table in English:

User Switches Language:

Table in French:

Adding Descriptive Metadata

You can use Metadata Server to add additional descriptive information to fields.

For example:

Both SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2 can read descriptive metadata from the external database.

Prior to version 9.2.0, SuperWEB2 connected to the database directly to read the descriptions rather than using the Metadata Server. From version 9.2.0 onwards SuperWEB2 uses Metadata Server to connect and read the names and descriptions.

If you are interested in setting up descriptive metadata in SuperWEB2 in addition to multilingual databases, follow the steps to complete the set up for Metadata Server first, then see the additional steps for configuring SuperWEB2 to read the descriptions.

Alternative Options for Descriptive Metadata

Both SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2 also have alternative mechanisms for setting up descriptive metadata that do not require the use of Metadata Server. If you do not require multilingual databases, you may want to consider using these methods instead:

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