SuperSERVER maintains a separate database for storing annotation information. For details of the database schema and facilities supported by the SuperSERVER annotation subsystem, see Annotations .
The following functions allow access to the annotation facilities within SuperSERVER.
AddSymbolDescriptionT()Add an annotation symbol and description to the results.
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AddSymbolDescriptionT(JobInfoT* JobInfo, const char* Symbol, const char* Description)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Symbol Input The symbol (or ID) for the annotation. Description Input The annotation description.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed. For example because you attempted to add a duplicate symbol.
GetALLSymbolDescriptionT()Retrieve all annotations.
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GetALLSymbolDescriptionT(JobInfoT* JobInfo, const SymbolDescriptionT** Values, int* Len)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Values Output An array containing the returned annotation symbols and descriptions. Len Output The length of the returned array.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
If the operation is successful, but the result set is empty, then Len
will be set to zero and Values
will be NULL
AddDatabaseAnnotationT()Assign a database annotation to the tabulation request.
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AddDatabaseAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to assign.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
DeleteDatabaseAnnotationT()Delete a database annotation from the tabulation request.
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DeleteDatabaseAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to delete.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
GetDatabaseAnnotationT()Retrieve all the database annotations for the tabulation request.
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GetDatabaseAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char*** Values, int* Len)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Values Output An array of returned values. Len Output The length of the returned results.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
If the operation is successful, but the result set is empty, then Len
will be set to zero and Values
will be NULL
AddFieldAnnotationT()Assign an annotation to a field.
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AddFieldAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension to assign the annotation to. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to add.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
DeleteFieldAnnotationT()Delete an annotation from a field.
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DeleteFieldAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension to delete the annotation from. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to delete.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
GetFieldAnnotationT()Retrieve all annotations from a specified field.
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GetFieldAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, const char*** Values, int* Len)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension to get the annotation for. Values Output An array of returned values. Len Output The length of the returned results.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
If the operation is successful, but the result set is empty, then Len
will be set to zero and Values
will be NULL
AddFieldValueAnnotationT()Assign an annotation to a field value.
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AddFieldValueAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, int WhichItem, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension. WhichItem Input The index of the item within the field to assign the annotation to. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to assign.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
DeleteFieldValueAnnotationT()Delete an annotation from a field value.
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DeleteFieldValueAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, int WhichItem, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension. WhichItem Input The index of the item within the field to delete the annotation from. Symbol Input The symbol for the annotation to delete.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
GetFieldValueAnnotationT()Retrieve all annotations for a field value.
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GetFieldValueAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int Dimension, int FieldOffset, int WhichItem, const char*** Values, int* Len)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Dimension Input The dimension index within the data cube. FieldOffset Input The field index within this dimension. WhichItem Input The index of the item within the field to get the annotations from. Values Output An array of returned values. Len Output The length of the returned results.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
If the operation is successful, but the result set is empty, then Len
will be set to zero and Values
will be NULL
AddCurrentCellAnnotationT()Assign an annotation to the current cell.
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AddCurrentCellAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Symbol Input The annotation symbol to assign.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
DeleteCurrentCellAnnotationT()Delete an annotation from the current cell.
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DeleteCurrentCellAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Symbol Input The annotation symbol to delete.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
GetCurrentCellAnnotationT()Get all annotations for the current cell.
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GetCurrentCellAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char*** Values, int* Len)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. Values Output An array of returned values. Len Output The length of the returned results.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.
If the operation is successful, but the result set is empty, then Len
will be set to zero and Values
will be NULL
AddCellAnnotationT()Assign an annotation to a particular cell.
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AddCellAnnotationT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const int* CellLocation, int Len ,const char* Symbol)
Arguments JobInfo Input Information about the current job. CellLocation Input An array of dimension item indexes identifying a cell in the data cube. Len Input The length of CellLocation
. Symbol Input The annotation symbol to assign.
Returns 1 Success. 0 The operation failed.