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Backup Strategy

This section describes the components of SuperSTAR that should be backed up as part of a normal backup process.

SuperSTAR Components

Default Installation Location

The SuperSERVER Program Data directory.

SuperSERVERAny files such as DLLs that are co-located with the SuperSERVER executable. The need for any such files depends on your usage of plugins to the SuperSERVER APIs.C:\Program Files\STR\SuperSERVER SA
SuperCHANNELAny JDBC drivers that you have installed.C:\Program Files\STR\SuperCHANNEL\jar\drivers
Production SystemAll configuration files. These may be located on a server or on client machines, or partly on both depending on the installation and configuration requirements. Start with the file sa2ps.config.xml.C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA

All configuration files (this includes all ini files and xml files). These may be located on a server or on client machines, or partly on both depending on the installation and configuration requirements.

SuperSTAR DatabasesAll sxv4 database files and any configuration files that are co-located with the sxv4. 
Annotations RepositoryThe annotations repository for each sxv4 that has annotations defined.The annotations SQLite database is co-located with the sxv4 it relates to; the filename uses the convention <databaseid>.sxv4.sqlite.db.
SuperSTAR Metadata RepositoryYour metadata repository using the mechanism associated with the RDBMS where it is stored 
  • The webapi directory.
  • The User Data Repository (if configured; stored in an RDBMS).
  • The Job Queue Manager database (if applicable).
  • Any JVM/Tomcat parameters (e.g. settings you have configured in setenv.bat).
  • The SuperWEB2 configuration settings from SuperADMIN. You can use the following command in SuperADMIN to export your current configuration settings to a text file:

    cfg save <filename> 
The webapps directory under the Tomcat installation, your selected RDBMS and SuperADMIN.
  • The SuperVIEW directories (check the SuperVIEW URLs to confirm the directory names).
  • Any JVM/Tomcat parameters (e.g. settings you have configured in setenv.bat).
The webapps directory under the Tomcat installation.

User Defined Files

Backup the following user defined files:

Usually Located In...
  • SuperADMIN macros
  • The SuperSERVER catalogue
  • Log files if required
  • config.txt
  • sxv4drv.conf
  • SuperCHANNEL XML project files
  • SuperCHANNEL run logs (if required)
Production System
  • All TXDs
  • Run logs (if required)
User defined
  • All TXDs
  • Recodes
  • User Defined Fields
User defined
OtherAny batch files or scripts written to assist with system usageUser defined
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