Users can set the module configuration properties by modifying the method catalogue in SuperADMIN.
Your Data Control module can use the following functions to read these configuration properties.
It is also possible for your module to dynamically add or remove some properties. Some properties added by PreJob can modify the tabulation request, instead of adding them to the SuperADMIN catalogue. Properties added or removed by the post tabulation function do not affect the underlying entries in the catalogue and are only present for the duration of the tabulation request. You can use these facilities to allow a simple form of 'inter module' communication when multiple modules are configured for a particular tabulation request.
Pre Job Property Query and Manipulation
The following functions are available to PreJob. They allow your code to query or add property values before the cross tabulation is executed.
Query the property values of a particular property key. The property values (such as string, integer, or boolean) are all converted to string values. It is up to the client code to understand the value type correctly and convert it to the appropriate type.
A list of strings containing the values of this property key.
The length of the values.
Add a boolean property value.
When adding a boolean property via AddQueryPropertyValueT() it is always set to true. It is not possible to disable the property by setting it to false.
Query the property values of a particular property key for the current plugin. The property values (such as string, integer, or boolean) are all converted to string values. It is up to the client code to understand the value type correctly and convert it to the appropriate type.
The following standard properties are defined for use by SuperSERVER:
boolean (true/false)
The module requires SuperSERVER to produce an associated data cube containing contribution count information for each cell.
Data is retrieved using the GetCurrentCellAssociatedValue() callback passing the association name as 'FREQ'.
The FREQ property (hence the FREQ cube) is affected by null handling. The FREQ cube contains the number of contributors.
If there is a null field value that is contributing to a specific cell in the cube, then it may, or may not (depending on null configuration) be counted (by default, null values are not counted).
This will mean a different number of contributors hence different values in the FREQ cube.
integer (1+)
The module requires SuperSERVER to produce an associated data cube containing the values for the top n contributors for each cell.
Data is accessed by client programmers using the GetCurrentCellNthAssociatedValue() callback.
This is a special, well known, association name.
Client programmers programmatically create this associated data cube by calling the AddAssociation() callback function and then set the associated cell value to 1 to indicate a cell should be hidden by using the SetCurrentCellAssociatedValue() callback passing the association name as "CONCEALMENT".
boolean (true/false)
Indicates to SuperSERVER that this module applies confidentiality rules.
SuperSERVER may block record view requests based on the setting of this property and the values of the 'CONCEALMENT' associated data cube.
Indicates to SuperSERVER that grand totals for all fields in the tabulation request be computed and present in the data cube prior to execution of an external module.
During module execution, grand totals can be identified using the GetDimensionFieldItemType() callback function. Grand Totals added to the cube by SuperSERVER in this fashion will be removed from tabulation data prior to returning results to the User Interface client application.
boolean (true/false)
The module requires SuperSERVER to produce an associated data cube containing a count of errors (or Nulls) for each cell.
Data is retrieved using the GetCurrentCellNthAssociatedValue() callback passing the association name as 'CELL_ERRORS'.
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