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Contains table manipulation and general program settings for SuperCROSS.

Default Location


If you choose to edit any of the settings in this configuration file, then you must make sure you close SuperCROSS first. When you close SuperCROSS it saves its settings to super.ini, so if you try to edit this file while SuperCROSS is running, your changes will be overwritten when you close the client.

Some of the settings described below do not appear in super.ini by default.


This section contains general settings for the SuperCROSS client.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

This setting applies if AllowLargeAxes is set to 1.

  • 0 - Use MaxNumItemsLargeAxis as the trigger for large axes mode.
  • 1 - Use AfterPhysMemoryUsed as the trigger for large axes mode.
Edit > Options > Data > Large Axes > Allow Very Large Axes

Whether or not to allow the creation of tables with a very large number of values. When you create a very large table, SuperCROSS will switch to "large axes mode". In this mode, only the first two items in the large axis display while you are constructing the table. This makes it easier to create the table. The full set of values will be retrieved when you run the cross tabulation.

  • 0 - Do not allow large axes.
  • 1 - Allow large axes.

This option works in conjunction with the MaxNumItemsLargeAxis and AfterPhysMemoryUsed settings, which indicate whether to activate the mode when:

  • There are more than X items in an axis; or
  • There is no more physical memory.
Edit > Options > Data > Large Axes > Allow Very Large Axes

Whether or not to allow access to local SXV4 databases in the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog.

  • 0 - Do not show the Local Access section in the database catalogue.
  • 1 - Show the Local Access section. This is the default and will be used if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file.
Edit > Options > Configuration > SXV4 and Local Access > LocalAccess Mode
The width of annotations at the right of data cells. If annotation symbols cannot fit in the space, they display a symbol on the left of the data. For example * 12345.
  • If this is set to 0 the annotation is added just before the cell text.
  • If this is set to a positive value the annotation is added the specified number of characters to the right of the cell text.
  • If this is set to a negative value the annotation is added the specified number of characters to the left of the cell text.
Edit > Options > Format > Annotation Width
  • 0 - Do not automatically apply confidentiality.
  • 1 - Automatically apply confidentiality to the table.
Edit > Options > Format > Confidentiality
  • 0 - No automatic table formatting after cross tabulation.
  • 1 - Table formatting options will be applied automatically after cross tabulation.
Edit > Options > Format > Table Formatting

The string to display when multiple values of a field are selected in the Recode dialog.

The default is - (this applies if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file).

Edit > Options > Configuration > Recode > Auto Group Name String
If this is set to 1, then SuperCROSS will automatically add a grand total to the column. If this is set to any other value (or not present) then the grand total will not be added. 

The alignment of the column headings:

  • 0 - Centre (default; this setting is also used if the parameter is not specified in super.ini)
  • 1 - Left
  • 2 - Right
Format > Alignment on the right-click menu.
The default column width.Edit > Options > Format > Column Width

This setting controls the position of the custom save formats in the drop-down list in the File > Save As dialog.

  • If this is set to 1, then the save formats listed in the Output section of SuperModule.ini will appear first in the Save As options.
  • If this is set to any other value (or not present in super.ini) then the built in SuperCROSS formats appear first.

The font used for the data area of the table. This setting can also be changed using the Edit > Data Area > Data Area Font option in the SuperCROSS client.

  • 0 - First: use the first font set in the Fonts options (Edit > Fonts).
  • 1 - Row: use the same font as the row header.
  • 2 - Column: use the same font as the column header.
  • 3 - Priority: display column, row or derivation label font headers in the same font as the assigned font selections, overriding the table data font display.
Edit > Options > Data > Data Font

Controls how data is stored when creating large tables. These settings determine memory usage:

  • 0 - Dense Matrix: all table data is stored in memory (approximately 10 bytes of memory is required per cell).
  • 1 - Sparse Matrix: only non-zero data values are stored in memory (no memory is allocated to zero value cells). Slightly more memory (approximately 14 bytes) is required for each non-zero cell, but this reduces the amount of memory used overall. This setting will slightly decrease tabulation performance as the memory allocation is performed "on the fly".
  • 2 - Prefer Dense: SuperCROSS will use a dense matrix until the memory is full and then switch to the sparse matrix. This is the recommended setting and the default.
Edit > Options > Data Storage
The path to the databases that will be available in the Local Access section in the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog. 
The number of decimal places used for table data. Can be any value from -9 to 9 inclusive. A positive value means that number of decimal places, 0 means no decimal places and a negative value applies integer rounding.Edit > Options > Format > Number Format > Decimal Places

The default table display of decimal places. For example:

  • 0 - Displays the power of ten units at zero.
  • 3 - Displays the power of ten units at thousands.
  • 6 - Displays the power of ten units at millions.
  • 9 - Displays the power of ten units at billions.
Edit > Options > Format > Type

Whether to display progress when saving a table:

  • 0 - Do not display.
  • 1 - Display progress (this is the default and applies if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file).
Edit > Options > Configuration > Output Module > Display Saving Progress
E-mail Support

The link to support accessed through the Help > E-mail Support menu option.

This can be either:

  • A link to a web page (such as a web support form). This must be a fully qualified URL, including the http:// part. For example:

    E-mail Support=
  • An email address, in which case a new email message will open with the To address pre-set. For example (note that you must include mailto: before the email address):


If this setting does not appear in super.ini, then by default it will be set to


Whether to filter annotation footnotes:

  • 0 - Do not filter annotation footnotes.
  • 1 - Filter annotation footnotes.
Filter Annotation Footnotes on the right-click menu.

The alignment of the table annotation footnotes:

  • 0 - Centred.
  • 1 - Left aligned.
  • 2 - Right aligned.
Alignment on the right-click menu.

Whether or not table formatting is on by default:

  • 0 - No table formatting by default.
  • 1 - Table formatting on by default.
Edit > Formatting

The default fuzz factor setting in either number format (xxxx.yyyy) or exponential format (xxxe-yyyy, e.g. 1e-15).

The default setting is 1e-15. This value is used if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file.

For more information, see Configure the Fuzz Factor - SuperCROSS.


Whether to display guide lines on tables (and empty tables):

  • 0 - Do not display guide lines.
  • 1 - Display guide lines.
  • 2 - Display guide lines even if there is no table.
The number of items in an axis that will trigger large axes mode. This will be used as the trigger for large axes mode if AllowLargeAxes is set to 1 and AfterPhysMemoryUsed is set to 0.Edit > Options > Data > Large Axes > Allow Very Large Axes
The number of levels of undo (only applies if Undo is set to 1).Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Undo

Where to place the second part of the multi response (only applies if MultiResponseEnable is set to 1).

  • 0 - Place the field in the opposite axis.
  • 1 - Place the field in the same axis.
Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Multi Response

This option ensures that all parts of a multi-response field are added to the table together.

  • 0 - Do not enable multi response.
  • 1 - Enable multi response. If one part of a multi-response field is dragged into a table (either the question or the answer), then the other part of the multi-response field is automatically added into the table too.
Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Multi Response
The string that will display in cells where there are no records contributing to the cell value.Edit > Options > Data > No Contributors String
The string representing a suppressed cell.Edit > Options > Data > Suppress Total String

Whether or not to show a thousand separator, such as a comma in table data (the character used as the separator is determined by your system settings):

  • 0 - No separator.
  • 1 - Show a separator.
Edit > Options > Format > Number Format

The table position on printed output:

  • 0 - Table will appear in the top left corner of the print output.
  • 1 - Table will be horizontally centred the table in the printed output instead.
File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Centre Table Horizontally
  • 0 - Do not print page numbers on printed output.
  • 1 - Print page numbers.
File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Page Number > Print

The horizontal position of the page number in printed output:

  • 0 - Centre.
  • 1 - Left.
  • 2 - Right.
File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Page Number

The vertical position of the page number in printed output:

  • 0 - Bottom of Page.
  • 1 - Top of Page.
File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Page Number

Whether to print the table annex:

  • 0 - Do Not Print.
  • 1 - Print After Table.
  • 2 - Print Before Table.

See Printing - SuperCROSS for more details about the Table Annex document.

File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Annex

Whether to prompt for file associations (if .scs files are not associated with SuperCROSS.

  • 0 - Disable prompts.
  • 1 - Enable prompts.

You can use this setting to force prompting for file associations, for example if there are multiple versions of SuperCROSS installed on a system or the user has previously been prompted and responded "Do not prompt me again".


Whether to exclude the subtraction operator from pure summation.

  • 0 - Exclude the - operator.
  • 1 - Include the - operator (this is the default and applies if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file).
If this is set to 1, then SuperCROSS will automatically add a grand total to the row. If this is set to any other value (or not present) then the grand total will not be added. 
The width of the column that displays the rows. Only applies if StandardRowWidth is set to 0.Edit > Options > Format > Row Width
The spacing used to indent wrapped text in rows.Edit > Options > Format > Row Wrapping
The spacing used to indent nested fields in rows.Edit > Options > Row Indentation

Whether or not to display the following warning message when the user selects File > Page Setup > Table Annex:

  • 0 - Do not display warning message.
  • 1 - Display warning message.

Users can turn off the warning message in the client by selecting Do Not Display This Message Again.

Edit super.ini to reactivate the warning message.


The number of instances of SuperCROSS that can be opened at any given time:

  • 0 - Multiple instances.
  • 1 - Single instance (this is the default and applies if the setting does not appear in the super.ini configuration file).
Edit > Options > Configuration > General > Single Instance

If this is set to 1, it overrides the row column width setting; the row width will be set automatically to fit the field name.

By default this is set to 0, in which case the fixed row width setting applies.

Edit > Options > Format > Auto Row Width

Whether or not to display the status bar at the bottom of the SuperCROSS client:

  • 0 - Do not display.
  • 1 - Display the status bar.
Edit > Options > General > Status Bar Help
Stores zero suppression storage settings in binary. Use the SuperCROSS client to change this setting.Edit > Options > Suppression > Zero Suppression

The count to use for databases with two or more fact tables. This setting is designed to protect you against unintentionally counting from the wrong table.

  • 0 - Use default count. Use the first field value in the Summation Options table (for example a default database count/measure) irrespective of the type of fact tables added to the table.
  • 1 - Use count from table. Use the count associated with the fact table that corresponds to the added fields. When this is set to 1, only Grand Total will be available on the Calculations menu in SuperCROSS (Row Total and Column Total will not be available).
Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Counting

The alignment of the table title section:

  • 0 - Centre (default; this setting is also used if the parameter is not specified in super.ini)
  • 1 - Left
  • 2 - Right
Alignment on the right-click menu.
  • TopMargin
  • Left Margin
  • RightMargin
  • BottomMargin
The top, left, bottom and right margins of printed output.File > Page Setup > Page Setup > Margin
The location of the help files accessed through the Help > Tutorial menu option. You might want to change this if you want to replace the supplied online help with your own help files. 
  • 0 - Do not enable undo.
  • 1 - Enable undo.
Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Undo

Sets the amount of error/warning messages displayed in SuperCROSS:

  • 1 - Novice (displays all error/warning messages).
  • 2 - Experienced.
  • 3 - Advanced.
  • 4 - Expert (displays very few error/warning messages).
Edit > Options > General > Level
If this is set to 1, then SuperCROSS will automatically add a grand total to the wafer. If this is set to any other value (or not present) then the grand total will not be added. 
The spacing used to indent nested fields in wafers.Edit > Options > Format > Wafer

What happens when a database contains multiple count/measure fact tables:

  • 0 - Use default count when fields from multiple table (the default count is always used).
  • 1 - Select count when fields from multiple tables (the user will be prompted to choose the fact table count). When this is set to 1, only Grand Total will be available on the Calculations menu in SuperCROSS (Row Total and Column Total will not be available).
Edit > Options > Duty of Care > Multiple Tables
The string that will display in cells where the result is zero.Edit > Options > Data > Zero String


This section contains settings relating to SuperCROSS startup options

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client
The path to the databases that will be available in the Catalogue section in the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog. 

The default action when SuperCROSS starts.

  • If New is set to 1, then the default action will be to open the Catalogue dialog to create a new table.
  • If Open is set to 1 and New is set to 0, then the default action will be to open a file browser where you can select a saved table.
  • If both options are set to 0, then SuperCROSS will do nothing and wait for your input.


Edit > Options > General > Create New Table
Edit > Options > General > Open File


This section contains settings relating to how grid lines display in the client.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client
  • 0 - Do not display lines if the axes are empty.
  • 1 - Display the lines for the row, column and wafer headings even if there is no heading in that axis.
Edit > Options > Lines > Lines Around Empty Axis Headings
The settings for displaying lines for wafers, columns, rows and the table body.Edit > Options > Lines > Default Settings


This section defines the fonts that will be available for selection in the Edit > Fonts dialog.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client
Specifies which of the defined fonts is used for column headings.Field Font on the right-click menu.
Font <X>
A font definition. For example this specifies the typeface, the font size, and style.Edit > Fonts
Specifies which of the defined fonts is used for footnotes.Font on the right-click menu.
Specifies the number of font definitions. There is no limit to the number of font definitions that can be specified.Edit > Fonts
Specifies which of the defined fonts is used for row headings.Field Font on the right-click menu.
Specifies which of the defined fonts is used for the table title.Font on the right-click menu.
Specifies which of the defined fonts is used for wafer headings.Field Font on the right-click menu.

Footnote, Column, Row, Title and Wafer are all optional. If they are not specified then these elements will use font 1.

For example:

Font 1=Arial,-165,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34
Font 2=Arial,-165,0,0,0,700,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34
Font 3=Arial,-165,0,0,0,700,1,0,0,0,3,2,1,34
Font 4=Algerian,-165,0,0,0,400,1,0,0,0,3,2,1,82


This section contains preferences for the SuperSTAR I and SuperSTAR II server connection options set in the File menu in the client.

The workgroup settings used by SuperCROSS. Used during batch processing.

The client server mode:

  • 0 - Local
  • 1 - Client
  • 2 - Server

The rate at which SuperCROSS will poll the interchange directory for files to process (in seconds). This setting only applies when SuperCROSS is used for batch processing. For example, if this is set to 60 then SuperCROSS will check the interchange directory every 60 seconds.

A value of 0 indicates that SuperCROSS will not check the interchange directory for files to process.


Controls whether the user can access the SuperSTAR I and SuperSTAR II server connection options in the File menu:

  • 0 - No access to these menu options
  • 1 - Access to these menu options

This setting applies to SuperSTAR I and II only. The SuperADMIN connection option will be available regardless of this setting.

The location for the client/server setup work groups file ( cs.ini ). Only applicable to SuperSTAR I and when using SuperCROSS for batch processing.


This section contains settings used when saving tables in Excel format.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

The alignment for the table header information:

  • 0 - Left aligned (this is the default, and is used if this setting is not in the super.ini file).
  • 1 - Centred.
Edit > Options > Configuration > Excel Options > Centre Table Header
Minimum width of columns in the Excel output. 
Maximum width of columns in the Excel output. 
A copyright statement to include at the bottom of the worksheet. 

Whether to include the date the Excel file was generated at the bottom of the worksheet.

  • 0 - Do not include the created date.
  • 1 - Include the created date.
  • 0 - Do not draw a border around the data cells.
  • 1 - Draw borders around the data cells.
The number of decimal places in Excel output. 
The character to use as the decimal point. 

Enable dual language saving to Excel. This setting only applies when SuperCROSS has been configured to use multiple languages for tables.

  • 0 - Disable dual language saving to Excel
  • 1 - Enable dual language saving to Excel
Edit > Options > Configuration > Excel Options > Dual Language Save As
Text to be displayed at the bottom of the Excel worksheet. For example: "Space-Time Research Online support:" 
Text to be displayed at the bottom of the Excel worksheet. For example: "Space-Time Research Web page:" 
The language code (e.g. en, fr, de) of the first language to use for table output when saving dual language output to Excel. This setting only applies when SuperCROSS has been configured to use multiple languages for tables. If this is not set then the current table language will be used.Edit > Options > Configuration > Excel Options > First Language
The language code (e.g. en, fr, de) of the second language to use for table output when saving dual language output to Excel. This setting only applies when SuperCROSS has been configured to use multiple languages for tables. If this is not set then the current table language will be used.Edit > Options > Configuration > Excel Options > Second Language
The number of characters to indent fields (up to 255 characters). 

Whether to format cell values in the table as numbers or text:

  • 0 - Save in text format.
  • 1 - Save in number format.

Whether to show the dual language save options dialog when saving in Excel format. This setting only applies when SuperCROSS has been configured to use multiple languages.

  • 0 - Do not show the dialog.
  • 1 - Show the dialog.
Edit > Options > Configuration > Excel Options > Show options dialog
  • 0 - Do not draw table borders.
  • 1 - Draw borders around the tables.
The character to use as the thousand separator. 

When saving a table containing wafers, each individual wafer is saved to a separate worksheet in the Excel file. This setting determines whether a list of links to each wafer is included on the first worksheet.

  • 1 - Include a list of links to each wafer on the first worksheet.
  • 0 - Do not include a list of links to each wafer on the first worksheet.

Where to display the name of the wafer in relation to the table:

  • 0 - Display the name of the wafer at the top left of the table.
  • 1 - Display the name of the wafer centred above the table.


This section contains settings used when saving tables in HTML format.

A copyright statement to be displayed at the bottom of the HTML output. For example: "Copyright © 2009-2014 Space Time Research. All rights reserved."
The number of decimal places in HTML output.
The character to use as the decimal point.
Text to be displayed at the bottom of the HTML output. For example: "Space-Time Research Online support:"
Text to be displayed at the bottom of the HTML output. For example: "Space-Time Research Web page:"

Whether to include the last updated date at the bottom of the HTML page.

  • 0 - Do not include the last updated date.
  • 1 - Include the last updated date.
The character to use as the thousand separator.

This setting applies when saving to a single HTML file.

  • 1 - Include links to each of the wafers at the top of the HTML file.
  • 0 - Do not include links.

This setting does not apply when saving to multiple HTML files, as this format always includes links to the other pages on the first HTML page.


This section contains settings related to the connection to the SuperSTAR server.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

This setting is used to enable users to submit tables for tabulation in one SuperCROSS session and retrieve the results of those tabulations in a different session. If SuperCROSS is shut down prior to the job/result completion, the table definition is saved locally, and the Job Monitor continues to process the job when SuperCROSS is restarted.

This setting contains the local path where jobs are queued for tabulation.


The mode of access to the server:

  • 0 - SuperADMIN mode.
  • 1 - SuperSERVER mode (default).
Edit > Options > Configuration > General > SuperAdmin Mode

For example:



This section controls whether opening an SRD also adds a link to that SRD to the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog.

This applies when the SRD is loaded:

  • From the command line.
  • By double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.
  • By dragging and dropping the file onto SuperCROSS.

It does not apply if the SRD is loaded from the File > Open menu option.


SRD auto-install behaviour:

  • 0 - Open the SRD file but do not install a permanent database link.
  • 1 - Install a permanent database link in the Catalogue section of the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog as well as opening the file. If an SRD already exists in the catalogue with the same ID, then a warning message will be displayed asking whether you want to overwrite the existing SRD:

    • Select Yes to overwrite the existing SRD in the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog.
    • Select No to cancel the installation and stop opening the SRD file.

Once the SRD has been installed, the database details will be added to the [Open SuperCUBE] section of the super.ini file.

[Open SuperCUBE]

This section contains details of SRD files installed in the local database catalogue.

[Recent Files]

This section contains the list of recently opened files displayed on the File menu.


This section contains settings for sorting tables.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

The sort direction for totals and derivations:

  • 0 - Totals displayed first.
  • 1 - Totals displayed last.
  • 2 - Sort.
Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Totals & Derivations section.

The sort direction:

  • 0 - Ascending.
  • 1 - Descending.
  • 2 - Do not sort.
Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Sort section.
The number of characters in the other item field.Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Include Other Item section.
The name of the other item field.Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Include Other Item section.
The sort filter range code. Do not modify. 
The sort segment code. Do not modify. 
The number of characters in the total item field.Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Include Total Item section.
The name of the total item field.Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Include Total Item section.

The sorting type:

  • 0 - Axis Sort.
  • 1 - Field Sort.
Sort > Advanced on the right-click menu, Method section.
Set by the SuperCROSS client. Do not modify. 


This section contains settings used when saving tables in SDMX format.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

By default, full code list hierarchies are exported to SDMX, but you can change this if necessary so that only code lists included in the recode are exported.

  • 0 - Only the code list for the recode values will be exported.
  • 1 - The full hierarchy code list will be exported to SDMX (default).
Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Include codelist hierarchies
The default language codes, separated by a semi colon.Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Languages

Whether to export all languages to SDMX (only applies if SuperCROSS metadata has been configured to use multiple languages):

  • 0 - Current language only.
  • 1 - Export all languages.
  • 2 - Export the user selected language.
Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Multilingual

Whether to use the valueset name and code or the recoded name:

  • 0 - Use the recode name.
  • 1 - Use the original name from the valueset, even if it has been recoded..

This option is by default set to 1 (ena­bled) and does not appear in the super.ini file unless the setting has been changed in the SuperCROSS client. You can also enable or disable this option by manually adding the setting to super.ini.

Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Use valueset for codelist id and name

Whether to show the options dialog when saving to SDMX:

  • 0 - Do not show the dialog.
  • 1 - Show the dialog.
Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Show Options Dialog

Whether to validate metadata against custom.xsd :

  • 0 - Do not validate metadata.
  • 1 - Validate metadata. The SDMX export will fail if the validation fails.

This parameter does not appear in super.ini by default. If this parameter is omitted then SuperCROSS will not validate metadata.

Edit > Options > Configuration > SDMX Options > Validate Custom Metadata

[Local Access]

This section contains settings for the Local Access section in the Catalogue - Select Database or Table dialog.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client
You can add this optional entry to change the name of the Local Access section. If the setting is not include in the super.ini file, then the default name is used (Local Access). 

[Table Annex]

This section contains settings for the table annex document.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

Whether or not to create the annex automatically:

  • 0 - Do not automatically generate the annex.
  • 1 - Generate the annex automatically.
File > Page Setup > Table Annex

Whether or not to include meta information from the database the table is based on:

  • 0 - Do not include database meta information.
  • 1 - Include database meta information.
File > Page Setup > Table Annex > Database This Table Is Based On

Whether or not to include meta information from the fields in the table:

  • 0 - Do not include field meta information.
  • 1 - Include field meta information.
File > Page Setup > Table Annex > Fields In The Table

Whether or not to include meta information from the table footnote:

  • 0 - Do not include table footnote meta information.
  • 1 - Include table footnote meta information.
File > Page Setup > Table Annex > Table's Footnote

Whether or not to include meta information from the field values in the table:

  • 0 - Do not include field value meta information.
  • 1 - Include field value meta information.
File > Page Setup > Table Annex > Field Values In The Table


This section contains settings for saving to TXD format.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client
  • 0 - Do not save the axis map (default).
  • 1 - Save the axis map to the TXD, whether it is needed or not.


Whether to save automatically loaded recodes to the TXD:

  • 0 - Do not save.
  • 1 - Save (default).

Whether to save user defined column width information in the TXD file:

  • 0 - Do not save column width information (default).
  • 1 - Save column width information.

Whether to save additional table formatting in the TXD file, such as the power of ten setting, the number of decimal places and the row/column width:

  • 0 - Do not save additional formatting (default).
  • 1 - Save additional formatting.
Edit > Options > Configuration > Output Module > Save User Settings


This setting determines whether or not to show the Create Table Metadata dialog if a database is open when metadata is enabled. See Configure Metadata - SuperCROSS for more details.

  • 0 - Do not show the Create Table Metadata dialog.
  • 1 - Show the Create Table Metadata dialog.


This optional section can be used to activate FASTMAP when saving recodes in textual format (TXD and TXT files). See Speed Up Loading of TXDs Containing Large Number of Recodes - SuperCROSS for more details.

  • 0 - Do not use FASTMAP when saving recodes in text files. This is the default, and will be used if this setting does not appear in the super.ini file.
  • 1 - Use FASTMAP when saving recodes in text files
  • 0 - Do not use FASTMAP when saving summation option recodes in text files. This is the default and will be used in this setting does not appear in the super.ini file.
  • 1 - Use FASTMAP when saving summation option recodes in text files. This setting only applies if UseFastMap is set to 1.

Space-Time Research does not recommend using FASTMAP for summation option recodes.


This section contains settings relating to the display of totals.

SettingDescriptionEquivalent Setting in SuperCROSS Client

The default display position of axis derivation totals in a table:

  • 0 - First - New axis derivations will be added as the first field in the axis.
  • 1 - Last - New axis derivations will be added as the last field in the axis.
  • 2 - Cursor Position - New axis derivations will be added to the right of the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a column) or below the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a row or wafer).
Edit > Options > Totals > Axis Derivation
The default string to use when creating a derivation total.Edit > Options > Totals > Labels > Derivation

The default display position of field derivation totals in a table:

  • 0 - First - New field derivations will be added as the first field in the axis.
  • 1 - Last - New field derivations will be added as the last field in the axis.
  • 2 - Cursor Position - New field derivations will be added to the right of the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a column) or below the field you clicked on (if you are adding a derivation to a row or wafer).
Edit > Options > Totals > Field Derivation

Whether or not to add an automatic grand total to all tables:

  • 0 - Do not add a grand total.
  • 1 - Add a grand total as the first field.
  • 2 - Add a grand total as the last field.
Edit > Options > Totals > Grand Total

The default position of recode totals in a table:

  • 0 - First.
  • 1 - Last.
Edit > Options > Totals > Recode Total
The default string to use when creating a recode total.Edit > Options > Totals > Labels > Recode

If SuperCROSS is configured to use a metadata database to enable multilingual tables, then you can also use this section to set the default derivation and recode total strings for the other languages. Simply specify the values for the other languages by using the name of the property followed by _<language> (where <language> is the relevant language code). For example:

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