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Troubleshooting - Job Queue Manager

This section contains some troubleshooting information.

If you see any of the following error messages in the ErrorDetails table in your database, follow the recommended steps to resolve the issue.

Error MessageSuggested Resolution
Packets larger than max_allowed_packet are not allowed.

This error occurs when a query exceeds the MySQL maximum packet size.

  1. Stop the MySQL server.
  2. Edit the my.ini file.
  3. In the [mysqld] section, set the packet size with an entry similar to:

The appropriate packet size will depend on the size of the tables you are creating. You may need to experiment with some different values to find a setting that works for you.

asynchExecutor finished writing data, but could not get result within timeout (10 seconds). Caused by: TimeoutException: null.

You may see this error message if you are using SQL Server and the jTDS JDBC driver. Use the Microsoft JDBC Driver instead.

See the Job Queue Manager configuration instructions for more information.

Error while writing result to SQL database. Caused by: ClassNotFoundException: oracle.sql.BLOB.

This error is generated when you have not configured the large object support correctly for your database in <tomcat_home>\webapps\jobQueueServer\WEB-INF\config\data-access-config.xml.

See the Job Queue Manager configuration instructions for more information.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.