Perturbed Continuous RSE
Summary | Used in conjunction with other modules to update RSE for weighted datasets to take into account the effect of perturbation. This module adds the ability to perturb the RSE and variance cubes for continuous variables. |
Filename | perturbedContinuousRSE |
Dependencies |
Priority | The Perturbation modules must be configured to run in the following sequence:
method addmethod <method_id> [{table|mandatory}] [<display_name>]
method <method_id> adddcplugin <plugin_id> perturbedcontinuousrse [<priority>]
The following example shows the configuration of the Perturbed Continuous RSE module in context but does not show the full configuration for the other modules (refer to the reference pages for the individual modules for more details about their configuration).
method addmethod MethodID
method MethodID adddcplugin Perturbation perturbation
method MethodID adddcplugin ContPerturbation continuousperturbationmodule
method MethodID adddcplugin RSECalculationModule rsecalculationmodule
method MethodID adddcplugin PerturbedPopEstVariance perturbedpopestvariance
method MethodID adddcplugin PerturbedMeanVariance perturbedmeanvariance
method MethodID adddcplugin AverageCellWeight average_cellwgt
method MethodID adddcplugin PerturbedEstimates perturbedestimates
method MethodID adddcplugin PerturbedContinuousRSE perturbedContinuousRSE
method MethodID adddcplugin PerturbedCountsRSE perturbedCountsRSE