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Command Line Options - SuperCROSS

You can start SuperCROSS from the command line. You can choose to either instruct SuperCROSS to open a specific table or database, or use the command line options to control other SuperCROSS settings.

Automatically Load Tables

To automatically load one or more tables on startup, specify their filename and location:

super.exe <table> [<table> ...]

You can either specify an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are running the command to start SuperCROSS). You must use quotes if your table name or file path contains spaces.

For example:

super.exe "F:\My Tables\table.txd"

To open multiple tables, specify each table file separated by spaces:

super.exe "F:\My Tables\table.txd" "E:\Documents\table.scs"

Automatically Load Databases

To automatically load a one or more databases, specify their filename and location:

super.exe <sxv4_file> [<sxv4_file> ...]

You can either specify an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are running the command to start SuperCROSS). You must use quotes if your table name or file path contains spaces.

For example:

super.exe "F:\databases\mydatabase.sxv4"

SuperCROSS Command Line Options

super.exe [{-c | -l | -s } [<workgroup>]] [-f <catalogue_code>] [-d <database>] [-n <database>] [-crossPath <path>] [-configFilesPath <path>] [-superPath <path>]


-c [<workgroup>]
-l [<workgroup>]
-s [<workgroup>]

Starts SuperCROSS in client mode, local mode or server mode.

When starting SuperCROSS in one of these modes you can optionally specify a work group. If you do not set the work group on the command line, SuperCROSS will use the one currently specified in the super.ini configuration file.

SuperCROSS displays an error if the work group is not valid.

-f <catalogue_code>
  • If SuperCROSS is not running, it will start up and open the Catalogue to the location indicated by the Catalogue code.
  • If SuperCROSS is already running and SuperCROSS is configured to run multiple instances on this machine, a new SuperCROSS instance starts up and the Catalogue opens to the location indicated by the Catalogue code.
  • If SuperCROSS is running and set to only run one instance on the current machine, the Catalogue dialog opens at the location indicated by the Catalogue code.
-d <database>

Starts SuperCROSS with a specific catalogue database.

-n <database>

Load a new table option using the specified database name.


The filename and location of the cross.ini configuration file. You can either specify an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are running the command to start SuperCROSS).

If you do not specify a path on the command line, then this file will use the default location 

For example: super.exe -crossPath "E:\SuperCROSS\config\cross.ini"


The filename and location of the super.ini configuration file. You can either specify an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are running the command to start SuperCROSS).

For example: super.exe -superPath "E:\SuperCROSS\config\super.ini"


The location to load and save other configuration files. You can either specify an absolute path or a relative path (relative to the current directory where you are running the command to start SuperCROSS). Do not include any trailing slash when specifying the path.

For example: super.exe -configFilesPath "E:\SuperCROSS\config"


The following command line invokes a new table in SuperCROSS local mode using the Financial Database.

super.exe -l -n “Financial Database”

The following command line invokes a new table in SuperCROSS client mode using the ‘Sample1’ work group and the Financial Database.

super.exe -c Sample1 -n “Financial Database”

The following command line invokes a new table in SuperCROSS server mode using the ‘Sample2’ work group and the Halcyon City Sample Database.

super.exe -s Sample2 -n chd

To open existing .TXD and .SCS tables you need to list the table or tables you want to open:

super.exe "C:\Temp\Sample1.TXD" "C:\SXV4 Databases\Financial Database.SCS”

The following command starts up SuperCROSS and displays the Catalogue named ‘Census 2006’.

super.exe -f "Census 2006"

A Catalogue code is a single code that is used to refer to a folder somewhere in the Catalogue, rather than a path comprising several codes. All folders within the Catalogue have a unique code. If the Catalogue code typed in doesn't exist an error message displays.

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