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The following properties are available in this configuration file.

Each property has a default value (indicated in the tables below). If you do not give the property an explicit value then it will use its default.
More Information

Whether to display 0 or a custom string if there are cells with no records contributing to the result:

(Default). Show cells that have no contributors as 0.
Display the notANumberString string configured in CubeCatalog.xml.
Configure Settings for Concealment and Cells with No Contributors - SuperWEB2

Whether to display the Map View tab:

(Default). Enable Map View.
Do not enable Map View.

Whether to enable the guided tour:

(Default). Enable the tour. It will be displayed on first login and accessible from the top-right menu.
Users will not be shown the tour on first login and will not be able to access the tour from the menu.
Customise the Interactive Tour - SuperWEB2

Whether to enable the new features popup. This can be used to display information about new data or new features that have been added to SuperWEB2.

(Default). Enable the new features popup.
Do not enable the new features popup.

Whether to sort the list of Datasets shown in the catalogue screen:

(Default). Datasets will be sorted in alphabetical order.
Datasets will be shown in the order they were added to the catalogue in SuperADMIN
Change the Sort Order of Tables and Datasets - SuperWEB2

How many levels of folders should initially be expanded when a user opens the Catalogue page in SuperWEB2:


(Default). All folders expanded. Recommended for small catalogues or catalogues with no folders. For example:


The tree will initially be fully collapsed. Not recommended.

For example:

1 or more

The tree will initially be expanded to the specified number of levels. For example:

1 level:

2 levels:


Whether to read the text for the catalogue page from the metadata database. This setting only applies when metadata server has been set up and is only used for datasets that have been set to multilingual in SuperADMIN.

SuperWEB2 will look for a description in the <id>_desc column of the db_domain table in the metadata database and use this if it is present. It will fall back to using the static HTML pages if there is no description available.
(Default). SuperWEB2 will use the static HTML pages saved on the server.
Use the Metadata Server to Store the Data Catalogue Information Pages - SuperWEB2

Whether to automatically expand a field in the tree when a user selects the Select all at level drop-down list. This property takes the following values:

Automatically expand the field.
(Default). Do not automatically expand the field.
Automatically Expand the Fields when Selecting All - SuperWEB2

The maximum number of levels of hierarchy to show in the Select all at level drop-down list.

Set this to a negative value if you do not want to limit the levels of hierarchy. The default setting is -1.


Whether to show the summation options in the customise table panel in Table View.

(Default). Show the summation options.
Do not show the summation options.

Which labels to show in the Select all at level drop-down:

(Default). Show the valueset label.
Show the label of the first item in each valueset. Changing this property to false means that SuperWEB2 more closely matches the behaviour of SuperCROSS (when selecting all the Subitems from a level of the hierarchy in the Define Recode window).
Configure Field Drop-down Labels - SuperWEB2

How many levels of folders (field groups) to expand automatically when opening a dataset:


All folders that contain a field in use in the table will be expanded.

This setting is recommended if your datasets have very large schemas and are typically accessed through saved tables.


(Default). All folders will be expanded.

This setting is recommended for all cases except very large schemas (datasets that have a large number of fields or a large number of folders).

No folders will be expanded.
Integer value of 1 or above

Folders will be expanded to the specified level (for example, set this to 2 to expand the first two levels of folders).

This setting is recommended for large schemas with lots of folders.


When you have recodes (custom groups) in your table, a footnote automatically appears at the bottom of the table indicating which individual items make up the recode. You can use this setting to control whether this recode footnote is truncated.

This setting specifies the maximum length of recode footnotes in a table prior to truncation. The default is 120.


Whether to display annotations beneath the table. This property takes the following values:

(Default). Display annotations if available.
Do not display annotations.
Configure Display of Annotations - SuperWEB2

Whether to automatically expand annotations. This property takes the following values:

(Default). Automatically expand the annotations.
Do not automatically expand annotations.
Configure Display of Annotations - SuperWEB2

The default display mode for tables with Relative Standard Error values. This property takes the following values:

0(Default). Show data values only.
1Show data values and RSE values next to each other.
2Show RSE values only.
Configure Relative Standard Error - SuperWEB2

Whether to retrieve data in Table View automatically by default:

The Auto check box on the Retrieve Data button will be selected by default.
(Default). Do not automatically select the Auto check box.

Whether to allow users to concatenate fields in tables:

(Default). Concatenation is enabled.
Concatenation is disabled. Fields will be nested in the table axes instead.
Disable Concatenation - SuperWEB2

Whether to display the Print Table button in Table View:

(Default). Show the Print Table button.
Do not show the Print Table button.

Whether to allow users to add fields to wafers in Table View:

(Default). Allow users to add fields to wafers.
Do not allow users to add fields to wafers.

Whether to show totals by default when adding fields to the table or loading a saved table.

Hide all totals initially.
Show all totals initially.
(Default). Show totals for outermost fields only.
Disable Automatic Totals - SuperWEB2

Whether to allow users to drill up and down (navigate) through hierarchical fields in tables.

(Default). Allow users to drill up and down through hierarchical fields in tables.
Do not allow users to drill up and down through hierarchical fields in tables.

Whether to use the saved table language when opening a saved system table (a TXD saved from SuperCROSS and stored in the txd directory on the SuperWEB2 server).

When a user opens a saved system table, SuperWEB2 will use the dataset language saved in the TXD, rather than the user's currently selected dataset language.
(Default). When a user opens a saved system table, SuperWEB2 will continue to use the currently selected dataset language.

Whether to display metadata as annotations at the bottom of the table. This setting only applies to multilingual datasets that have been configured to use metadata server for descriptive metadata.

SuperWEB2 will scan for descriptive metadata and display it at the bottom of Table View in an annotations table.
(Default). SuperWEB2 will not display the descriptions at the bottom of the table.
Display Metadata as Annotations Below the Table - SuperWEB2

Whether to allow users to create derivations in tables:

(Default). Allow users to create derivations.
Do not allow users to create derivations.
Derivations - SuperWEB2

The number of row and column cells to show in the table preview when SuperWEB2 enter large table mode.

You can set this property to any integer value. If you do not give the property a value, it will use the default (3).

Configure Settings for Large Tables - SuperWEB2

The maximum number of cells of data that a user can download at a time from Record View.

You can set this property to any integer value. If you do not give the property a value, it will use the default (100,000).

Enable or Disable Record View - SuperWEB2

The maximum size of a table that can be visualised in Graph View. By default, there is a limit of 1,000 cells; if users create tables with more than this number of cells then they will not be able to access Graph View.

If necessary, you can increase the cell limit to a higher amount.

The limit only applies to the number of cells in the currently selected wafer, not the number of cells in the table as a whole.


Whether to enable the Job Queue Manager. This property takes the following values:

Use the Job Queue Manager.
(Default). Do not use the Job Queue Manager.
Configure - Job Queue Manager

Whether to allow duplicate table names in the job queue:

(Default). Allow duplicate table names.
Do not allow duplicate table names.
Configure - Job Queue Manager

Whether to format cell data in downloads. This setting is intended to be used if your users are working with extremely large tables (millions of cells), as it can provide a performance boost that dramatically reduces the time taken to download a table.

(Default). Cells will be formatted according to the configured precision settings for the summation options.
No formatting will be applied. Turning off formatting will speed up the download of very large tables.
Set Precision for Summation Options - SuperWEB2

What to do if any invalid or unknown SuperWEB2 configuration properties have been set using the SuperADMIN cfg command.

(Default). If there are unknown properties in the configuration, this will cause an error and none of the SuperWEB2 configuration from SuperADMIN will be applied.
If there are unknown properties in the configuration, these will be ignored, but valid configuration properties will still be applied.
SuperADMIN cfg command
  • externalLink.helpUserGuideURL
  • externalLink.helpIconURL
  • externalLink.helpCatalogueURL
  • externalLink.helpCustomiseTableURL
  • externalLink.helpGraphViewURL
  • externalLink.helpMapViewURL
  • externalLink.helpMyCustomDataURL
  • externalLink.helpMyTablesURL

These parameters define the URLs for the online help.

You should not need to change these settings unless you want to replace the supplied user guide with your own customised version.

Customise the Online Help - SuperWEB2

Whether to scan for metadata in the metadata database:


SuperWEB2 will scan the metadata database for descriptions, and automatically display a metadata link in the field list if a description is present for the current dataset language.

The first time you open a particular dataset in SuperWEB2 it may take some time to display the field list while SuperWEB2 scans the metadata database.

(Default). SuperWEB2 will not scan for metadata.
Display Metadata Icons in the Field List - SuperWEB2

The cache settings for metadata in SuperWEB2. By default, SuperWEB2 is configured to cache data from the Metadata Server for 1 day. You can change this by editing this setting.

There are a number of options you can set (see for full details of the syntax), but the main change you are likely to want to make is to change how often SuperWEB2 automatically refreshes its cache. To do this, use the following setting:


Replace <duration> with the time between cache refreshes. Use the values dhm, or s to denote days, hours, months, or seconds.

For example, the following setting configures SuperWEB2 to refresh its cache every 10 minutes:

Clear Metadata Cache - Metadata Server

The URL to link to from the data confidentiality footnote in Table View.

The base URL to link to for SuperWEB2 metadata.Metadata - SuperWEB2
The URL of the SuperWEB2 login page. 
The URL of the SuperWEB2 logout page. 

Whether to show a terms and conditions screen during login. The user must accept the terms in order to log in.

Show a terms and conditions screen.
(Default). Do not show a terms and conditions screen.
Add a Terms and Conditions Screen - SuperWEB2
A link used in the standard footer section at the bottom of SuperWEB2.Customise Header, Footer and Logo - SuperWEB2

The full path to the directory on the file system where the PDF template for graph downloads is located.

You must escape any backslashes in the file path with an additional slash. For example:


If you leave this blank the PDF template will be loaded from the context directory (by default this is <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi).

Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2

The name of the PDF template file to use for graph downloads. Do not include the .pdf extension. For example:


If you leave this blank SuperWEB2 will expect the template file to be called SWDownloadGraph.pdf.

Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2

A list of fonts to embed in the downloaded PDF, separated by commas.

You may need to configure font embedding if your PDF template uses a font that is not one of the default Adobe fonts. If you use a non standard font, then you can embed this in the PDF to ensure that it will display correctly regardless of whether users have that font installed on their computer.

Specify the full path to the font file. If you want to embed multiple fonts, use commas to separate them. For example:

Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2 
The author name that will be embedded in KMZ files downloaded from Map View.Branding KMZ Downloads - SuperWEB2
A web link that will be embedded in the extended parameters field in KMZ files downloaded from Map View.Branding KMZ Downloads - SuperWEB2
A copyright statement that will be embedded in KMZ files downloaded from Map View.Branding KMZ Downloads - SuperWEB2
The full path to the location of a logo image on the server. This will be embedded in KMZ files downloaded from Map View.Branding KMZ Downloads - SuperWEB2

The full path to the directory on the file system where the PDF template for map downloads is located.

You must escape any backslashes in the file path with an additional slash. For example:


If you leave this blank the PDF template will be loaded from the context directory (by default this is <tomcat_home>\webapps\webapi).

Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2

The name of the PDF template file to use for map downloads. Do not include the .pdf extension. For example:


If you leave this blank SuperWEB2 will expect the template file to be called SWDownloadMap.pdf.

Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2
The value to set for the Author document property in PDF map downloads.Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2
The Keywords to set in the document properties in PDF map downloads.Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2
The value to set for the Application document property in PDF map downloads.Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2
The number of PDFs to cache on the server after generating them.Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2

Whether the PDF service supports HTTPs calls to the base map server:

Use HTTPs to connect to the base map server.
(Default). Do not use HTTPs.
Branding PDF Downloads - SuperWEB2

The pattern to use when setting the ArcGIS endpoint URI. This is used to extract the service name and layer index for caching.

The default value is .*?\/services\/(.*?)\/.*?\/([0-9]*?).*

Caching Map Data - SuperWEB2

The location of the directory to store cache information for mapping. Make sure that the directory exists and that the user running Tomcat has permission to write to it.

You must escape any backslashes in the file path with an additional slash. For example:


Forward slashes do not need to be escaped. For example:


If no directory is specified, then SuperWEB2 will use the default location: <tomcat_home>\work\Catalina\localhost\webapi

Caching Map Data - SuperWEB2

Whether users can access the user preferences options in SuperWEB2. Currently the only user preference option is the ability to change the sort order of saved tables in the Saved Tables tab.

(Default). Users can access the Preferences options in SuperWEB2 (located on the main menu).
Users can not access the Preferences options in SuperWEB2.
Change the Sort Order of Tables and Datasets - SuperWEB2

The output encoding to use for CSV files downloaded from SuperWEB2. By default, CSV files will be downloaded in UTF-8 encoding. You may need to change this to use a specific Windows codepage in some cases.

For example, some versions of Microsoft Excel (including Excel 2003) have a bug that causes them not to support UTF-8 encoding when CSV files are opened either by double clicking the file or selecting Open from the download option in a web browser.

If your users are experiencing problems opening downloaded CSV files in Excel, you may need to set SuperWEB2 to use a specific Windows codepage.

See this page for a list of available codepages. When configuring SuperWEB2, you need to use the value from the Name column.

For example, to use the Windows CP-1252 codepage, you would configure SuperWEB2 using one of the following values:




Whether to use custom number formatting for values in range and quantile labels.

Use the custom number formatting and precision defined in numberFormat.customUDFValueFormat.
(Default). Use the default number formatting and precision.
Configure Quantiles and Ranges - SuperWEB2

The number formatting to use for values in range and quantile labels. See for details of how to specify the number formatting. Note that:

  • This format will only be applied if numberFormat.enableCustomUDFValueFormat is set to true.
  • The formatting applies to Table View only; it is not applied to table downloads.
  • The number formatting and precision setting only apply to the {Min} and {Max} values. They do not apply to any {Rse} value in the label.
Configure Quantiles and Ranges - SuperWEB2

The size of chunks to use when connecting to the user data repository.

Some relational databases have a limit on the number of parameters that can be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. Queries that are likely to overrun this limit are broken up into chunks and run in parts to avoid errors.

The default setting for this value is 1000, which should work for all supported databases.


If a query to the Open Data API returns a large number of results then it will be paginated. By default, this occurs when there are more than 100 objects in the result set. You can use this setting to increase of decrease the limit for pagination.

The Open Data API has its own copy of the file. To change this setting, you must edit that version of the file, not the one in the SuperWEB2 directory. 

Configure Performance Settings - Open Data API

The number of requests that any given API key can make within any given one hour period.

The Open Data API has its own copy of the file. To change this setting, you must edit that version of the file, not the one in the SuperWEB2 directory.

Configure Performance Settings - Open Data API

The maximum number of cells that can be returned to a client via the /table API endpoint. By default this is set to 1,000,000. It is designed to prevent excessively large tables from being sent to the client.

The Open Data API has its own copy of the file. To change this setting, you must edit that version of the file, not the one in the SuperWEB2 directory.

Configure Performance Settings - Open Data API

The maximum number of field items that a user can query via the /table API endpoint. By default this is set to 1,000,000. It is designed to prevent clients from overwhelming the server with large requests.

The Open Data API has its own copy of the file. To change this setting, you must edit that version of the file, not the one in the SuperWEB2 directory.

Configure Performance Settings - Open Data API
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