Query whether a summation field has an applied main weight in the given tabulation job.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
HasAppliedMainWeightT(JobInfoT* JobInfo,int Dimension, int FieldOffset)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Dimension | Input | The dimension index within the data cube. |
FieldOffset | Input | The field index within this dimension to check. |
Returns | 1 | The summation has a main weight. |
0 | The summation does not have a main weight. |
Query whether a summation field has applied replicate weights in the given tabulation job.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
HasAppliedReplicateWeightsT(JobInfoT* JobInfo,int Dimension, int FieldOffset)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Dimension | Input | The dimension index within the data cube. |
FieldOffset | Input | The field index within this dimension to check. |
Returns | 1 | The summation has applied replicate weights. |
0 | The summation does not have applied replicate weights. |
Retrieve the names of the replicate weights for the given summation field in the given tabulation job. The order of the names will be the same as the order of retrieved replicate weight values for a given cell.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetAppliedReplicateWeightsT(JobInfoT* JobInfo,int Dimension, int FieldOffset, const char*** Replicates,int* Len)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Dimension | Input | The dimension index within the data cube. |
FieldOffset | Input | The field index within this dimension to get replicate weights from. |
Replicates | Output | The names of replicate weights. |
Len | Output | The number of replicate weights returned. |
Returns | |
Query whether the default summation field has an applied main weight in the given tabulation job. This function must be used when the given tabulation job does not have an explicitly added summation.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
HasAppliedMainWeightOnDefaultSummationT(JobInfoT* JobInfo)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Returns | 1 | The summation has an applied main weight. |
0 | The summation does not have an applied main weight. |
Retrieve the name of the main weight for the given summation field in the given tabulation job. This function must be used when the given tabulation job does not have an explicitly added summation.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetAppliedMainWeightOnDefaultSummationT(JobInfoT* JobInfo,const char** MainWeight)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
MainWeight | Output | The name of the main weight, terminated by '\0' |
Returns | |
Query whether the default summation field in the given tabulation job has applied replicate weights.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
HasAppliedReplicateWeightsOnDefaultSummationT(JobInfoT* JobInfo)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Returns | 1 | The default summation has applied replicate weights. |
0 | The summation does not have applied replicate weights. |
Retrieve the names of the replicate weights for the given summation field in the given tabulation job. The order of the names is the same as the order of retrieved values of replicate weights for a given cell. This function must be used when the given tabulation job doesn't have an explicitly added summation.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetAppliedReplicateWeightsOnDefaultSummationT(JobInfoT* JobInfo,const char*** Replicates, int* Len)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Replicates | Output | The names of replicate weights. |
Len | Output | The number of replicate weights returned. |
Returns | |
Retrieve the values of replicate weights for the current cell in the given tabulation job. The order of the values will be the same as the order of retrieved replicate weight names for the current cell.
The lifetime of the returned value of const double**
may last up to the next function call. However, if your client code needs to maintain the returned value in the scope of the tabulation job, the client should make a copy of the returned value.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetCurrentCellReplicateWeightValuesT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const double** Values, int* Len)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Values | Output | The values of the replicate weights. |
Len | Output | The number of replicate weights returned. |
Returns | |
Retrieve the values of replicate weights for the given cell in the given tabulation job. The order of the values will be the same as the order of retrieved replicate weight names for the given cell.
The lifetime of the returned value of const double**
may last up to the next function call. However, if your client code needs to maintain the returned value in the scope of the tabulation job, the client should make a copy of the returned value.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetCellReplicateWeightValuesT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, int* DimensionItems, const double** Values, int* Len)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
Dimension | Input | The dimension index within the data cube. |
Values | Output | The values of the replicate weights. |
Len | Output | The number of replicate weights returned. |
Returns | |
Retrieve the sum of the main weight in specified table.
Available To | PrepareJob | PerformJob | CleanUpJob |
GetSumMainWeightTableT(JobInfoT *JobInfo, const char * tableName, double* result)
Arguments | JobInfo | Input | Information about the current job. |
tableName | Input | The table to query. |
result | Output | A pointer to the value containing the resulting sum value. |
Returns | |