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This command exports the current database catalogue to a macro file. 

You might wish to schedule this task so that it can be completed out of hours with no user intervention as part of your backup strategy.


Exports the database catalogue to a macro. By default, the macro will be saved to C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperADMIN\console\export\exported_catalog.sam

For example:

> export
Exporting Catalogue
Export completed successfully.

You can then run this macro file to import the catalogue data to a new catalogue.

Before importing the database catalogue, you need to clear the current catalogue.

SuperADMIN is supplied with a macro called clearcatalog.sam that you can use to clear the current database catalogue.

If you have any methods defined, you will need to delete these as well using the command method removeall after running clearcatalog.sam.

For example:

> macro play clearcatalog
Successfully removed folder 'MyFolder'
Successfully removed folder 'Users'
Catalog item [recodes] cannot be found
Successfully removed database 'bank' from server 'localhost'
Successfully removed database 'people' from server 'localhost'

> method removeall

> macro play exported_catalog
Catalog exported using SuperADMIN version:
Successfully updated databaseCatalog id 'root' to 'root'
Added folder 'MyFolder' to databaseCatalog 'root'
Added folder 'Users' to databaseCatalog 'root'
Successfully installed database 'bank' to server 'localhost'
Successfully installed database 'people' to server 'localhost'

When you export the catalogue, the export file is saved (by default) to C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperADMIN\console\export\exported_catalog.sam.

If you want to run this macro (using macro play exported_catalog) to reimport the catalogue then you will need to move the export file to the macros directory.

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