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Settings - Charts - SuperCROSS

Select View > Chart Settings to edit chart settings. The Chart Settings window displays.

The following settings are available:

General Tab

Automatic Dialogs

Select these options to automatically open the Chart Wizard and/or Layer Control window every time you create a new chart.

Chart Layer Default ComponentsSelect these options to automatically create charts with a Background, Title and/or Legend.
Background ColourSet the chart background colour. Select the check box to make this the default setting for future charts.

Information Tool Tab

Information Window DelaySet the delay before the ToolTip appears when using the Info tool (Tools > Info). Acceptable values are between 0.01 and 10 seconds.
Text Colour

Set the text colour to use for the information ToolTip.

Select Use Windows Default to use the default system setting.

Background Colour

Set the background colour to use for the information ToolTip.

Select Use Windows Default to use the default system setting.


Configure what is displayed in the ToolTip annotations.

ValuesConfigure whether data values display in the ToolTip and the number of decimal places.
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