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Upgrading from Earlier Releases - Metadata Server

If you are upgrading from a release of SuperSTAR prior to version 9.0 then you can continue to use your existing metadata database. You do not need to run BuildMetadataTemplate.bat to recreate the database.


To use your existing metadata database with SuperCROSS, simply:

  • Create the ODBC connection to the metadata database in your RDBMS (if it does not already exist).
  • Ensure Metadata Server's metadata.config.xml (C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperSERVER SA\metadata.config.xml) has been updated with the connection details.
  • Ensure that the relevant SuperSTAR databases have multilingual set to true in the SuperADMIN catalogue.
  • Ensure that metadata has been enabled in the SuperCROSS client settings and that you have configured the table language settings in the SuperCROSS metadata.config.xml (C:\ProgramData\STR\SuperCROSS\metadata.config.xml) so that it displays the appropriate languages on the File > Table Language menu.


SuperWEB2 now supports Metadata Server for multilingual databases.

You can use your existing metadata database with SuperWEB2. SuperWEB2 will automatically use the database once:

  • The ODBC connection is configured and the connection details are updated in Metadata Server's metadata.config.xml.
  • The relevant SuperSTAR databases have multilingual set to true in the SuperADMIN catalogue.

Create the Keyword Table

You may also need to create a table in your metadata database called keyword if it does not already exist. This table is used to store translations of certain keywords that are used in SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2, such as "and", "by", "count", "mean" and "median". It is not created by default when the metadata database is generated.

If this table has not been created, then Metadata Server will still work, but you will see the following messages in the logs, and the keywords will not be properly translated in SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2:

16:50:00 2014/05/16, ERROR, SimpleMetaAccessDriver, "could not find table: keyword" 
16:50:00 2014/05/16, WARN, SimpleMetaAccessDriver, "Table "keyword" not found, some strings may not be translated - look for further warnings."

See Reference - Metadata Server for full details of the structure of the keyword table.

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